If you have a lot of books in your home library, and sometimes it is difficult to find the one you need, then it is best to disassemble them and arrange them so that at any time you can tell where which edition is located. There can be many options here, and it all depends on what kind of literature you are collecting.

Step 1
First of all, divide books by type - fiction, scientific, technical, reference, educational, religious, etc. You can put them on different shelves, in different closets, or even in different rooms. In the process of disassembling, at the same time, you will select those compositions that, for some reason, are no longer needed. They can be given to friends, taken to the dacha, or handed over to the district library.
Step 2
If you have only a few books of a certain type (for example, ten volumes of an encyclopedia or a couple of math textbooks), you can simply put them in alphabetical order. If the library has hundreds of publications of a different type (for example, fiction), then it is most convenient to subdivide them into several groups, and then sort them alphabetically (by the names of the writers or, if these are collections, by title).
Step 3
Firstly, you can divide the publications into domestic and foreign - according to separate regions (Europe, Asia, America, etc.) or countries. Secondly, you can put the books according to genres. For example, science fiction, classics, poetry, children's literature, etc. Third, there is a chronological principle. That is, old publications - on one shelf, new - on another. All these options can be combined in different ways: detail something, and refuse some approaches.
Step 4
If you have enough space in your home, you can set aside one shelf for the books you are currently reading or working with.
Step 5
If you have so many books that even after sorting through your home library you are confused about where to look for the one you need, then you can purchase or download a special program from the Internet. It will allow you to create a catalog of your home library and, in particular, indicate on the card the location of each essay. Such programs allow you to enter the same book into an alphabetical and systematic (by topic or keyword) catalog.