How To Learn To Write A Letter

How To Learn To Write A Letter
How To Learn To Write A Letter

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Although modern technologies have practically brought to naught the epistolary genre in private life, and we have practically stopped writing letters to friends, acquaintances and relatives, business correspondence is still relevant. This is because a business letter is a legal document, just like other properly executed and signed agreements. Therefore, anyone who, as part of their official duties, works with correspondence, needs to learn how to write letters.

How to learn to write a letter
How to learn to write a letter


Step 1

If we have agreed that a business letter is a document, then its design must meet all the standards and requirements for documents. It is written on the letterhead of the organization, on a sheet of standard A4 writing paper. Traditionally, the font is Times New Roman or Arial in size 12. The margin on the left is 3 cm, on the right - 1.5 cm.

Step 2

The form must contain all the necessary information about the organization that you represent: name, legal address, bank details and contact faxes, telephones, e-mail address.

Step 3

On the left, indicate the subject of the letter, try to fit into one short phrase. On the right, write to whom the letter is intended - the name, initials of the addressee, his position, the name and address of the organization. Begin all business letters with the address "Dear …", in the address, be sure to write the name and patronymic of the addressee.

Step 4

Before you start writing a letter, focus and consider what thought, proposal or information you want to convey to your respondent. You must understand that long, confused and incoherent letters no one wants to read.

Step 5

So that after the very first sentences your letter is not sent to the trash or got off with an unsubscribe, present your text in a logical sequence, so that each subsequent sentence is a continuation of the previous one and is filled with new meaning. Such a letter will be read with interest. In addition, try to keep within 1 sheet of volume. This is an indicator of your ability to briefly and clearly express your thoughts, which immediately attracts the addressee to you.

Step 6

In the text of the letter, devote the first paragraph to a brief coverage of the issue, the task and indicate the reason why its solution is necessary. Then express your thoughts on this matter, give suggestions or just the necessary information. Finally, draw conclusions and describe the benefits of accepting your proposal, or give a brief analysis of the information that you presented above.

Step 7

Sign the letter, give a transcript of your signature indicating the position and contact phone number.
