Hunting for a hare is one of the most reckless types, but in order to come home with a hunting trophy, you will have to not only work hard, but also thoroughly prepare yourself, as well as prepare your dogs.

Before hunting, you need to decide on a place, since some areas in the forest are allocated for places for the restoration and rest of game, and as a result, hunting in such areas is prohibited. Also, you cannot hunt in wildlife sanctuaries and reserves.
Secondly, you need to have all the necessary permits with you, and these are:
- a hunting ticket with a note on the paid membership fees for the current year;
- permission to carry firearms;
- an acquired voucher in a hunting society to shoot a hare (the voucher must be purchased on the territory of the hunting society where you will hunt).
Unarmed hunting
When hunting hares with dogs, in some cases it is possible not to use guns. This type of hunting is called weaponless. Your weapon, sometimes much more effective than a gun, will be well-trained dogs of the Russian Greyhound breed.
It is wrong to let the hounds go only at the sight of a hare and return them back as soon as the animal is gone. A trained dog should confidently follow the trail, leading the hunter to the victim.
Hunting with such dogs is possible only in the fields, since these dogs, in pursuit of a hare, reach speeds of up to 100 km / h. After catching the game, they strangle it. You can only take away prey by rewarding the dog, so store a treat and generous praise.
Hunting with a gun
Another way of hunting is hunting with a gun and dogs of the Russian Pied Hound or Russian Hound breed. These dogs hunt mainly in packs and chase the hare directly at the hunter. At the same time, they accompany the rut of the hare with barking, which allows the hunter to quickly navigate in the forest or in the field and prepare for a shot. But inexperienced hunters often shoot their own dog.
Also, for hunting a hare, huskies of the East Siberian or East European breeds are used. Laikas chase the hare, accompanying them with a sonorous bark, and drive the beast into place, cutting off the escape route, or surround it so that the beast cannot leave.
Mistakes of novice hunters
The mistake of novice hunters is that they do not encourage dogs or give a treat as a reward. Remember, it is forbidden to feed and pet the dog while hunting, the encouragement in this case is screaming and whistling. So you indicate that the dog is acting correctly, and the owner is nearby.
Start hunting by looking for bunny holes, a dog can also help with this, but if you go out on the grounds, just ask the local huntsman. The dog can be put on the hole.
Don't lay big circles either. The white hare usually walks in the middle circle, and the hare takes up to 4 kilometers. With a large circle, even if you are hunting in a group of 6 people, there is a possibility of not being in time for the seed. You should always hear your dogs and be able to distinguish whether they are chasing game or poisoning.