It is easy to knit a warm vest for a small smooth-haired dog, an experienced knitter will do it without hesitation, having determined the size by eye. But those who don't often pick up knitting needles need clues and directions.

It is necessary
- - yarn, knitting needles;
- - buttons or sticky tape.
- Basic measurements:
- - chest girth;
- - neck girth;
- - from the withers to the middle of the back;
- - from the base of the front paw to the neck;
- - from the base of the front paw to the middle of the back;
- - front paw girth.
Step 1
Take basic measurements from the dog you are going to knit a vest for. Tie a small rectangle with the knit that the product will be made with (it is better to choose a dense elastic band). Measure the sample, use the obtained calculations (for 1 cm - x loops) to determine the number of loops in the base of the product.
Step 2
Draw a diagram of the vest: it is a "house" with two "windows" under the roof itself (armholes), and a truncated "roof" (from the chest to the neck). The base of the "house" is the girth of the chest, the height of the whole "house" is the distance from the withers to the middle of the back (the length of the product), the height of the truncated "roof" is the distance from the front paw to the neck. The width of the truncated "roof" is the girth of the neck.
Step 3
Calculate two more details - shelves on which loops are made and buttons are sewn, or pieces of adhesive tape are sewn on for fastening (the fastener is made on top of the back). The length of the shelf is equal to the length of the product, the width is about 10 cm.
Step 4
Calculate the width and height of the armhole rectangles: the armhole width is equal to the girth of the front paw, divided by six; the height of the armhole is equal to half the girth of the front paw minus the width of the armhole plus 2 cm. Position the armholes on the diagram so that there are equal gaps between them and between the left and right edges of the product. The bottom line of the armholes starts from the middle of the back to the base of the front paw, the top line from the middle of the back to the base of the neck.
Step 5
Cast on the needles the number of loops equal to the chest circumference in centimeters, multiplied by the number of loops in one centimeter. Work in a straight elastic from the middle of the back to the base of the front leg. Then complete the armholes: close the first armhole, knit to the second, close the same number of loops, finish the row, and then knit three canvases, separated by armholes, using three balls.
Step 6
Close the armhole windows at the desired height by typing the required number of air loops over them and continuing to knit one centimeter with a thread from one ball. Then start decreasing the stitches from chest to withers.
Step 7
Calculate the number of loops that need to be closed in this segment: subtract the neck circumference from the chest girth, convert the centimeters into loops, divide this number by three and perform reductions, knitting two loops the required number of times in three rows on this segment, alternating rows without decreasing …
Step 8
Tie two strips for planks with a thick knit, such as a garter. Sew on one buttonhole slit, or sew on pieces of duct tape at small intervals to keep the vest tight. Sew the shelves to the product.