It is not difficult to grow pomegranates at home. This is an unpretentious plant. But there are some secrets to growing homemade dwarf pomegranates.

Not all seeds are suitable for growing at home. Supermarket pomegranate seeds are not good. Since the plant from them will turn out to be large, which is not suitable for apartments. There are varieties of dwarf plants for the home. Among the varieties suitable for growing at home, "Baby", "Nana", "Carthage". The breeders took care of lovers of exotic plants and bred varieties that are compact in size and unpretentious in nature. These plants reach a height of 30-40 cm in adulthood. They have a decorative appearance, all are covered with small leaves about 2 cm in size.
The dwarf pomegranate belongs to the myrtle family, therefore, it loves abundant watering and good lighting. This plant is deciduous, which means that some of the leaves will be shed in the fall. But do not be afraid of this, in the spring the pomegranate will again be covered with new leaves. In addition, in the autumn-winter period, fruits are already on it, which means that the decorative appearance will be at a height, despite the thinning crown.
Seeds purchased in specialized stores are suitable for growing. The seeds are soaked for a day. Then spread on a moistened soil surface. From above, you need to slightly cover with earth. It is not necessary to plant seeds deeply into the soil. Seedlings usually appear in 2-4 weeks. Dwarf pomegranate germination is good, about 70%. Plants should be planted in separate containers when they have 5-6 true leaves.
It is noteworthy in dwarf varieties that the flowering of bushes is noted already in the first year of life, about six months after planting. Therefore, it is better to plant in spring, when the length of daylight hours begins to increase, then by the end of summer you will get a flowering plant. You can also plant it in the summer, then the fruits will be next year. If you organize backlighting, you can plant at any time of the year.
A dwarf home pomegranate usually blooms profusely, but the fruits are tied on 10% of the flowers. This amount is sufficient, usually no more than 10 fruits per adult plant remain until ripening.
A formidable enemy for a pomegranate is the spider mite pest. But you shouldn't be afraid of it. The fight against him is carried out with special drugs. Usually, a tick affects plants that are weakened, contained in too dry air. Therefore, the plant must be sprayed in winter and bathed periodically under the shower.
Pomegranate loves feeding with complex fertilizers in the summer. During the rest period, in winter, feeding is reduced. By following these simple rules, you are guaranteed a healthy, fruitful plant. Your indoor pomegranate will surely grow a healthy and decorative plant to the delight of its owner.