Easter is just around the corner, so it's time to think about how you will paint Easter eggs. There are just a lot of ways, but I offer you one more - color the eggs with onion peels and brilliant green!

It is necessary
- - eggs;
- - onion peel;
- - stockings or tights;
- - scissors;
- - threads;
- - water;
- - thick white paper;
- - brilliant green.
Step 1
First you need to cut sheets of paper into small pieces, if you do not have clean ones, then you can use those on which something is printed. Then chop the onion husk with your hands, then mix it in the same container with the cut paper. Now you need to wet the eggs with water. Once the surface is damp, place them in a mixture of husk and paper and roll them well.

Step 2
Nylon stockings or tights must be cut into squares, the size of which is 7x7 centimeters. Put eggs, boneless in husks and paper, on the resulting squares of nylon.

Step 3
Then a square of nylon should be tied. To do this, you need to collect all its edges together, and then fix it with a thread. Pay attention to the fact that the stocking square fits the eggs well, otherwise you will not get a clear pattern. In this form, you need to cook the eggs for 15 minutes. Remember to put salt in a pot of water.

Step 4
After the eggs are boiled, you need to dilute a bottle of brilliant green in one glass of water. Then pour the resulting solution into a container that is no longer useful, and start coloring the eggs: just dip them one at a time in the green solution for a couple of minutes.

Step 5
After the staining is completed, you need to carefully remove the nylon bags from the eggs. The result should be some very unusual marble-colored Easter eggs.