How To Paint Eggs For Easter In An Original Way

How To Paint Eggs For Easter In An Original Way
How To Paint Eggs For Easter In An Original Way

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With the approaching bright holiday of Easter, there are many pleasant worries: it is interesting to decorate the house, prepare festive dishes and drinks, as well as bake cakes and, of course, paint eggs. In order to color the eggs, you can use commercial dyes, or you can use natural coloring products (onion peels, turmeric, beet juice, etc.). If you have a little free time, but you want to surprise your loved ones, try coloring eggs in an unusual way.

How to paint eggs for Easter in an original way
How to paint eggs for Easter in an original way

It is necessary

  • - small containers (for example, mugs);
  • - purchased dyes;
  • - eggs;
  • - water;
  • - rubber bands of different widths;
  • - table vinegar;
  • - the spoon.


Step 1

First of all, prepare everything you need to color the eggs. If you will use a commercially available dye, then carefully read the instructions attached to it.


Step 2

Take deep containers (mugs), pour water into them (water should fill the containers no more than halfway) and dilute the dyes in accordance with the instructions. If you are using natural dyes, prepare them first, then pour them into mugs.


Step 3

Next, boil the eggs, cool them, wipe them dry, and then wipe them with table six percent vinegar. Take a rubber band and wrap it as tightly as possible over the egg. You can wind it as you like, the main thing is that it holds well and fits very tightly to the shell.


Step 4

Place the egg with the rubber band on a spoon, then gently dip it into the dye mug. Leave the egg in the dye for a few minutes, then use the same spoon to roll it in a mug to make it more evenly colored. Adjust the color intensity at your discretion: if you want to get the color of the egg more delicate, pastel, then keep it in the dye for a minimum amount of time and vice versa.


Step 5

Over time, carefully remove the egg from the mug, wipe it dry, and then remove the gum. As a result, you should have a real work of art - a colored Easter egg with light stripes. For a brighter appearance, wipe the colored egg with a cotton pad dipped in a little vegetable oil.


Step 6

In exactly the same way, paint the rest of the eggs in different colors, while trying to change the location of the elastic bands when wrapping, use elastic bands of different widths.
