How To Make A Christmas Tree From Tangerines

How To Make A Christmas Tree From Tangerines
How To Make A Christmas Tree From Tangerines

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A herringbone made of tangerines can easily decorate your table for the New Year, give it a special solemnity. In addition, this craft will not be able to leave indifferent any child. Therefore, if you have children, you just need to make a tangerine Christmas tree for the holiday.

How to make a Christmas tree from tangerines
How to make a Christmas tree from tangerines

It is necessary

  • - a floral foam cone about 30 centimeters high;
  • - 25-30 tangerines;
  • - green floral ribbon one centimeter wide;
  • - toothpicks;
  • - fir branches;
  • - scotch tape;
  • - an artificial star.


Step 1

Prepare everything you need to create a Christmas tree. Cut the floral ribbon into 15-17 centimeters long, then tie the ribbons in two, tying them crosswise from each other. As a result, you should have as many blanks as you have stored tangerines for crafts (that is, 25-30).

Step 2

Put one blank of ribbons in front of you, put a tangerine in the very center (where the knot is) and tie it crosswise with ribbons. Then take a toothpick in your hands and wind it to the remaining pieces of ribbons after tying with tape. Decorate all other tangerines in the same way, trying to tie them with ribbons as tightly as possible.

Step 3

After all the tangerines are ready, you can start collecting the Christmas tree. Place the floristic cone in front of you and place the tangerines in one line along its very bottom, sticking the toothpicks into the foam as far as it will go. Next, arrange the second tier of the Christmas tree in the same way, then the third, and so on until the cone itself ends.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to place tangerines as tightly as possible to each other, and each upper tier must necessarily lie on the lower one, thus the lower tier of tangerines will support the upper one, thereby the structure will be stronger and will not fall apart from any careless movements.

Step 4

Prepare the spruce branches: they should all be strictly the same length. Next, carefully place them between the tangerines and stick them into the florist cone. Try to place the twigs evenly throughout the product.

Step 5

Take a star and place it on top of the tree. The tangerine herringbone is ready.
