How To Draw Ice Cream With A Pencil

How To Draw Ice Cream With A Pencil
How To Draw Ice Cream With A Pencil

Briquettes, cones, cups, popsicle … If you look closely, the ice cream has a very simple shape, so even a beginner can draw it. When drawing with a pencil, it is important to convey the structure of the material.

Ice Cream Cup - Cone or Truncated Cone
Ice Cream Cup - Cone or Truncated Cone

We start with a glass

The easiest way is to draw ice cream in a waffle cone or cone. It is better to lay the sheet vertically. Draw a long vertical line down the middle. Draw a horizontal line to it at the bottom. On a vertical line, mark the height of the cup and the height of the ice cream ball. Draw horizontal lines across these marks. A glass, if you imagine it on a plane, has the shape of a trapezoid, in which the lower base is about one and a half times shorter than the upper one. It goes without saying that the trapezoid must be isosceles. Draw a shape like this. The top base will lie on the straight line that you took through the cup height mark.

The drawing will look more natural if the lines are slightly jagged.

Waffles have bulges

Please note that the wafers have an uneven surface. They are divided into squares, the sides of which protrude slightly beyond the contours of the cup. Divide the vertical line into 4 approximately equal parts, draw perpendiculars through these points until they intersect with the contours of the cup. Draw small bumps at the intersection points. Connect the tubercles in pairs of parallel arcs, the convex parts of which are directed downward. As with other cone-shaped or cylindrical objects, the top contour of the waffle cup appears to be an oval. The part of the line that is closer to the viewer and the opposite is clearly visible. The lower the glass is in relation to the observer's eyes, the wider the oval will be. This also applies to the bottom contours. But the wafers are opaque, so only the part of the contour closest to the viewer is visible.

The horn is also divided into squares, only they are most often located diagonally in relation to the center line.

Ice cream

The ice cream itself is a ball, the lower part of which is hidden in a glass. The ball can be of irregular shape - asymmetrical, with a slightly elongated top, etc. It is quite simple to convey the shape of the ice cream and the cup. It is enough to draw a few lines parallel to the side contours.

Ice cream shop

If you want to draw a shop window that sells ice cream, draw a shelf with several varieties of ice cream on it. The horn is drawn in almost the same way as the glass, only on the plane it is not a trapezoid, but an isosceles triangle. Briquettes are just rectangular parallelepipeds, and in general, almost any ice cream can be imagined as a combination of fairly simple geometric bodies. You can even make a sign above the showcase. You can hang a sign above the showcase. Sometimes on the signs they write “ice cream”, sometimes even “ice cream”, but “ice cream” will still be correct.
