The abundance of decorations on the Christmas tree, which appear in stores already in October, is simply amazing, but the desire to do something with your own hands in preparation for the most magical holiday of the year cannot be destroyed. Immediately remember the lessons of work at school and the portfolio, filled with all-pervading office glue. But mothers hung these crumpled garlands of different sizes for the very sight and were terribly proud of them!

It is necessary
- - Colored double-sided paper;
- - scissors;
- - glue;
- - thread or thin rope.
Step 1
Such a very restrained and stylish garland can be cut out of the pieces of wallpaper left over from the repair. Christmas trees do not have to be the same - their shape is so simple that you can easily cut these figures without a preliminary pencil sketch. Decorate the edges of the Christmas trees with a golden or silver edging set on PVA glue or mother-of-pearl nail polish.
Make holes in the tops of the trees, tie the figures with satin ribbons or beautiful ribbons to the main string of the garland. By the way, you can cut not only Christmas trees, but also balls, snowmen, stars and snowflakes.
Step 2
To create a garland of stars, cut several squares of colored paper, one-sided is also suitable. Bend the blanks vertically, horizontally and diagonally. Cut the vertical and horizontal lines to about the middle. Fold the resulting corners diagonally inward to create the volumetric rays of the star. Glue them together.
With a needle and thread, string the multi-colored stars in turn so that you get a garland. Secure the figures with knots of thread.
Step 3
A delicate garland of foam balls and pastel colors made of paper is easy to make - you just need to string the elements one by one on a thread. To make this chain brighter, you need to choose a different color for the balls, and cut the flowers from elegant cards or wrapping paper for gifts.
Step 4
These are probably the simplest garlands - cut more double pieces from paper of different colors or from glossy magazine covers that can be collected throughout the year. Insert rings or loops into each other and bend in half, so make the paper garland the length you need.
Step 5
Prepare a sufficient number of circles or parts of a different shape of the same size, but in different colors with or without a pattern. Bend all the blanks in half, alternately coat them with glue and connect to each other, pressing firmly. Insert the thread inside before gluing the last circle. The more details you glue, the more elegant the ball will be.
Instead of circles, cut out hearts, flowers, snowflakes, or other interesting shapes.
Step 6
All of these people were cut out in childhood! Fold a strip of paper with an accordion, draw a figure on the top page. The arms and legs of the part should touch the sides so as not to break the connection with the next figure. Prepare several strips of paper of different colors, cut out all the elements from them and glue the arms and legs of the extreme men - another paper garland is ready.