Getting ready for the New Year holidays? Have you bought groceries, liquor and gifts? And they forgot about the garlands … What to do? Create!

Step 1
Having made a garland with your own hands, you can feel the spirit of the New Year, help your children acquire useful skills, channel their irrepressible energy into a constructive channel and simply entertain them with something.
Step 2
We take regular colored paper and cut six circles out of it. All circles must be of the same diameter. The scraps will still be useful to us, do not throw them away, but cut out several equal stripes.
Step 3
Fold the mugs in half, with the colored side inward, and alternately smear the second side of the semicircles with glue. Then we connect them. Ordinary stationery glue will do - you can buy it at any kiosk with newspapers and office supplies. Thus, we glue all the semicircles together, but we are in no hurry to close this "chain". First you need to fix the thread folded in 2 times on the glued "structure" so that the garland can be hung. The thread was fixed - we glue the last parts and let dry. If you then unfold the figure, we get a colorful and beautiful ball.
Step 4
The ball is ready, but it seems that something is missing. Those stripes from scraps of colored paper that we cut out - now they will be used. We glue the strip to form a circle, insert the second one into it and also glue it together and act this way until we get the garland of the required length.