Usually, funny figures of animals and fictional characters are sculpted from plasticine. Their form is rather arbitrary, and expressiveness is created due to the bright color of the material. However, a completely realistic human figure can be sculpted from the same plasticine. Such a craft can be a decoration for a room, an exercise in knowing proportions, and a model for an artist's sketches.

Step 1
For crafts of this type, sculptural plasticine is most suitable. It holds its shape better and allows you to sculpt small details. Before work, thoroughly knead the plasticine in your hands - warming up, it becomes more plastic.
Step 2
Separate from the whole mass a piece corresponding to the size of the head of the plasticine person. Roll a ball out of it. Then stretch it out, making it more oval. In the lower half, make the head narrower, also make sure that the back of the head protrudes quite significantly, protruding above the junction of the head with the neck. From a small piece of plasticine, shape the neck slightly narrower than the lower part of the head. Connect it to the head, gently rubbing it with your fingers.
Step 3
Take a piece of plasticine three times larger than the head of a person. It should be enough for the torso (up to the groin area). Sculpt it so that the width of the shoulders is equal to the height of the head, multiplied by two (if you are sculpting a man) or one and a half (for a woman). Waist width should be one and a half or one such measurement, respectively.
Step 4
Then make legs for your man. They are three and a half times longer than the head. At the same time, two such units of measurement will fit from the junction with the body to the knees. Pay attention to the shape of the legs. They don't have to be completely flat. When passing to the knees, they are slightly concave from the inner side of the thigh (along the entire length) and lower leg (at the very knee). Connect your legs to your torso.
Step 5
Start making the hands of the little man. They are three times longer than the head when measured from shoulder to fingertips. Stick your arms to your torso and mark your elbow at your waist and your wrists at your groin. The fingers should almost reach the middle of the person's thigh.
Step 6
Refine the shape of all parts of the body and sculpt small details - nose, chin, ears, fingers. Smooth the surface of the clay with your fingers slightly dampened with water.
Step 7
Using the same technology, you can mold a person from salt dough or clay.