People playing role-playing games, as well as reenactors, in some cases use armor as part of a military outfit. And even if they have only a decorative function, you need to know how to put them on and behave in them correctly.

Step 1
Choose the right clothing for your armor. It should cover the entire body, as even light decorative armor can be a source of injury if worn on a naked body. If you are planning active activities in armor - walking or riding a horse, participating in impromptu battles - make sure that your clothes are made of natural fabrics that absorb excess moisture. It is best to use cotton in summer and woolen underwear in winter. Clothing should not hinder movement. It is also recommended to wear a cap under the helmet to absorb excess sweat and, if necessary, heat.
Step 2
Put on your armor. This is often difficult to do without assistance, so bring in an assistant. Put your armor on your legs first. Fasten the legguards above the knees and the leggings below. This should be done in such a way that some loose tissue forms in the knee area, which will help to bend the legs. Then fasten the knee pads. Next, take care of your torso. First, the so-called necklace is put on, if it is provided for by the design of the armor. It covers the upper chest and part of the neck. Then a bib is attached on top of the front, and a part of the cuirass that belongs to the back is attached to the back. After that, the arms are covered with armor. The latter should complement the ensemble with a helmet. Try walking around in your outfit and checking if the plates are well connected.
Step 3
When wearing armor, follow the rules developed back in the Middle Ages. If you are riding a horse, try to shift the weight of the upper armor onto the croup. This will reduce the weight of your weaponry.
Step 4
Be careful when wearing armor in hot weather, especially if it is metal. In this case, you are threatened with heatstroke. To avoid this, monitor your condition. drink more water with the addition of a small amount of salt to avoid imbalance in the body's water balance.