The Magical Properties Of Stones And Minerals: Amethyst

The Magical Properties Of Stones And Minerals: Amethyst
The Magical Properties Of Stones And Minerals: Amethyst

The name of this stone comes from Greece. The color of amethyst resembles wine diluted with water. According to a Greek legend, the God of Wine - Bacchus was angry with people and decided to set angry tigers on the first person he met. The first on the way to Bacchus came across the nymph Amethyst, who asked for help from the Goddess Diana. She turned Amethyst into stone. Bacchus tried to revive the poor girl, but she remained a beautiful iridescent stone.

The magical properties of stones and minerals: amethyst
The magical properties of stones and minerals: amethyst

The magical properties of amethyst

Amethyst is traditionally considered a stone symbolizing purity and purity. When exposed to heat, amethyst loses its color. Amethyst has a strong positive energy, which is transmitted to the owner of this extraordinary stone.

Even in ancient times, it was believed that amethyst should be worn by people with high spirituality. The owners of this magic stone should be judicious and calm.

Amethyst is able to activate the connection of its owner with higher spiritual forces. This stone often adorns the clothes of the highest hierarchs of the Christian church.

The talisman with amethyst protects its owner from negative influences and prevents the manifestation of bad habits. This stone gives a person vigor and clarity of thinking, prevents the appearance of sad thoughts, drives out pride and anger from the heart.

Amethyst brings harmony to family relationships, helps to normalize sleep and prevents negativity from penetrating into the subconscious of its owner. If a person often has nightmares, then put amethyst jewelry under the pillow. The positive energy emanating from the stone will cleanse the room of negative influences and relieve unpleasant dreams.

The magical energy of amethyst is so powerful that jewelry with this stone cannot be constantly worn. Amethyst is popularly considered a widow's stone. It is often worn as a sign of loyalty to a deceased spouse. Also, amethyst helps to get rid of unrequited love and bring feelings in order.

Amethyst has a very complex character. He can get angry with his wayward and unrestrained owner, having absorbed negative energy, and then unleash it on a person. In the presence of this stone, you cannot quarrel, if you still cannot avoid conflict, then you should immediately rinse the decoration with running cold water in order to cleanse the amethyst from black energy.

What zodiac sign is suitable for amethyst

This stone can be safely called universal. It suits almost all zodiac signs. He gives strength and wisdom to Sagittarius, Aries and Aquarius. Scorpions, Pisces and Cancers - inner harmony and good luck. Amethyst will help Gemini become calmer. Thanks to the magical properties of amethyst, Taurus will become wiser, and Aries will be able to make the most incredible dreams come true.

However, do not forget that amethyst must be handled with extreme caution and jewelry with it should be worn precisely at those moments when powerful energy support is simply needed.
