5 Reasons For Creative Crisis

5 Reasons For Creative Crisis
5 Reasons For Creative Crisis

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We are happy to do what we love, sometimes losing our sense of time. And we feel real happiness when something magical comes out of our hands. The first sale of your product is an unforgettable moment in the life of any needlewoman. But sometimes a breakdown occurs and the desire to create disappears, and this can last for days and months. If this feeling is familiar to you, let's take a look at the reasons for this transformation of joy into a routine.

Creative crisis
Creative crisis


Step 1

Elementary fatigue. Few of the needlewomen work on schedule. Very often we take time from sleep, take all weekends and vacations. Of course, when you feel joy in your activities, these moments are missed. But sooner or later a person gets tired of everything, even the good. There is no need to be afraid and feel guilty, this is a natural consequence.

What can be done? If you are already in a creative crisis - urgently give yourself a rest, be distracted, deliberately do not take up work for a while. Rest your head, eyes, back. Believe me, then you will create even better with new forces and ideas. And for those lucky ones who have not yet experienced this, there is only one advice - do not bring it to this! Plan your time for work and rest, start doing it right now, then you will be grateful to yourself.

Step 2

Monotonous work. This often happens with needlewomen who make repetitions of their work to order. It is also a sign that you are working in an area that is too narrow.

One advice - expand your assortment, it can be small products made in a completely different technique. Try to create collections and related products.

Step 3

Increased sense of responsibility. Without a doubt, you need to constantly develop your business, improve your skills, improve the store and website, do new work, follow the fashion in your direction. But if all this bothers you very much, you need to change something.

What can be done? Plan your vacation and really relax. Change your activities throughout the day and week - tired of sewing, taking care of shop decoration, etc. Find helpers - order a website design from a professional, ask loved ones to help with homework, etc. You can always find helpers in what you do not know how or do not want to do. The costs will pay off by the fact that you will devote more time to your favorite pastime, and therefore earn more.

Step 4

Family and personal problems. This greatly affects not only work, but also mood, especially in women. It's hard to be happy or even just focus on work if your child is sick or your personal life isn't going well.

In difficult times, give yourself a break, calmly deal with problems. Or maybe the crisis is caused by the fact that you devote little time to your loved ones? Then it's time to think about your priorities and revise your schedule.

Step 5

No or decreased sales. This happens to everyone and may be caused by reasons beyond your control - out of season, economic crisis, etc.

Analyze if this is your fault and keep working. During the seasonal recession, you can make blanks for future products, develop new models, start decorating a store, etc. Or is it time to take a vacation?
