Surely among your friends there are real fans of the Harry Potter films. And if you are thinking about what to give to such comrades, then the perfect surprise that they will definitely like will be a gift based on the life of this amazing character. All that remains is to arm yourself with patience and good mood. Following simple recommendations, you can make a unique gift for your friend with your own hands.

It is necessary
Harry Potter prints, Hogwarts ticket, paper envelope, photo frame, shoebox, wrapping paper, glue gun, muesli bars, decorative items (beads, sequins, satin ribbon)
Step 1
Take a shoebox and wrap it with kraft paper. For a more durable fixation, use a glue gun or "Moment".
Move on to the decor. Take the pre-printed pictures from the film and glue them to the front of the box.
You can also stick on the Hogwarts logo, nameplates of the main character, or your favorite quotes.
For a festive look, attach a satin ribbon bow to the box.

Step 2
Print your ticket to Hogwarts and put it in the box.
If you wish, you can also create a name invitation for your friend to the School of Magic and Wizardry by placing it in a paper envelope and adding a red seal sign.

Step 3
To make a magic wand, you need a glue gun. Charge it and put it on heating.
Take a pencil-sized stick and buff it.
When the glue gun is hot, apply the glue paste to the stick in a circular motion, and then create your own unique design of the magic tool.
After you finish applying the glue, cool the stick.
Next, use acrylic black paint to paint it in a solid color. You can add some sparkles on top to enhance the magical effect.

Step 4
Take a photo frame of the correct size and insert a pre-printed phrase from the Harry Potter movie there.
If you wish, you can decorate the frame with beads.

Step 5
You will need pre-printed newspaper clippings from Harry Potter. With their help, it is necessary to wrap the previously purchased muesli bars.
To secure the newspaper cover, tie it tightly with ribbon and make a small bow. Place them neatly in the box.