An embroidery kit is a set of accessories for creating a picture using a needle and thread. It usually includes a special fabric, a pattern, colored threads and a needle. But in stores there are different sets, and you need to learn to understand them.

Step 1
Sets are divided according to the type of embroidery. There are sets of embroidery with beads, and then instead of threads, a special transparent fishing line and multi-colored beads are attached. The needle in such sets is very thin to easily string colored pieces. There is embroidery with ribbons, while pieces of fabric can be of different widths and densities, which allows you to create a voluminous and colorful version of the finished work. Usually, there is also an instruction in the composition that helps a beginner to master the technique. Mixed kits can combine different materials. For example, threads and ribbons or threads and beads. This makes the paintings voluminous and expressive. But it is believed that the combinations complicate the work.
Step 2
You can distinguish sets by embroidery technique. The most common cross stitch, there is also tapestry embroidery. There is partial embroidery, in this case a beautiful pattern is applied to the fabric, and only its pieces need to be made more voluminous with the help of a thread and a needle. This is an easy option and is great for kids. And the result will be beautiful, since the designers approach the creation of panels very responsibly.
Step 3
Embroidery kits are of varying complexity. This is usually indicated by asterisks on the packaging. One star is the easy option, five is the hardest. If only one technique is used in the picture, for example, a cross or a tapestry, if there are no more than 10 colors, then the work is considered not difficult. And if there is a cross, half-cross, backstitch, French knots and also the number of shades is huge, then the set can have maximum difficulty.
Step 4
The difference in the sets is observed in the quality of the threads. Most often they embroider with cotton, it is convenient to use, does not fade. But there are sets with wool. Their complexity is slightly higher, as it is necessary to adapt to this type of thread. It can also be divided according to the quality of materials. Some sets include Russian brands of canvas and thread, such as Gamma, while others use DMC or Madeira. In practice, creating embroidery with foreign brands is much more convenient.
Step 5
All kits are divided by manufacturer. There are more than 40 different companies that are engaged in the development and production of this type of product. Each has its own series, its own images. Some companies specialize in complex drawings, detailing them as much as possible, while others create something easier for unpretentious persons. Each company has its own approach to the development of schemes. For example, the Dimentions sets are very complex, but the resulting pictures are great. Vervako kits are expensive, but very simple to make, and the result is always great. But in Russia today you can often find "Golden Fleece" or "Gamma", their quality of drawing depends on the designer and the series.