The cross is a traditional decoration of Christian, Celtic cultures and some modern countercultures. They can be made from metal, wood, ceramics and other materials. A cross woven of beads will be especially original decoration.

It is necessary
- - blue beads
- - 4 blue medium beads
- - thin wire
- - jewelry cable with a fastener
Step 1
Cut off about 70 cm of wire. String a bead and two beads on one end.

Step 2
With the other end of the wire, go into the outermost blue bead to form a loop. This technique is called the "cross".

Step 3
String two more beads on the first end of the wire, one on the second and go through the extreme bead of the first end, forming a second loop. Make five loops, not counting the beaded loops.
Step 4
Make the last loop: beads and beads on one end, beads on the other. Connect the eyelet. Hide 3-4 cm of wire, weaving in the beads in the opposite direction, cut off the rest.
Step 5
Start a new piece using the same technique: for the first loop, string a bead and two beads on one end, one bead on the other. Connect. Make 4 more loops without beads.
Step 6
For the next loop, string one bead at both ends and go into the middle of the already woven "crossbar". Pass the wire along the beads of the middle loop and weave four more "links" from it.
Step 7
String a bead and a bead on one end, and a bead on the other. Connect the loop. Hide and cut the ends of the wire.
Step 8
Attach the cross to the cable, securing the top end in a loop with thread. Spread it out, giving it the correct shape. You can wear it now.