DIY Leather Jewelry: Master Classes

DIY Leather Jewelry: Master Classes
DIY Leather Jewelry: Master Classes

Leather jewelry has been in fashion for more than one season. They can complement a simple knitted dress or turtleneck, and your look will become very unusual and colorful. It is possible to make a wide variety of jewelry from pieces of leather: earrings, pendants, bracelets, beads and brooches.

DIY leather jewelry: master classes
DIY leather jewelry: master classes

Leather brooch

To make a brooch you will need:

- a piece of skin;

- a strip of fur;

- small round beads of different shades;

- cardboard;

- pin for a brooch;

- Super glue;

- scissors;

- compasses.

Cut out the base for the brooch from cardboard - a circle with a diameter of 8 cm. Cut the exact same detail out of leather. Lay out the bead pattern, achieving the desired result, and then glue it to the leather circle with superglue.

Attach a brooch pin to the cardboard mug. Glue the leather so that the pin is on the outside. Instead, you can use a lock from an old brooch or badge.

From the fur, cut a strip 5 mm wide and a length equal to the size of the brooch's circumference. Apply glue to the flesh and attach the fur around the circumference of the garment.

Leather beads

Beads made of pieces of leather of different colors look very impressive and unusual. To make them, take pieces of leather of two or more shades, cord, cardboard and glue.

Cut 5 squares with sides of 1 cm and 5 rectangles measuring 1x0.5 cm from cardboard. Cut 5 squares with sides of 2 cm each from the skin of the main color. From pieces of a contrasting shade, make 5 rectangles 2 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. Glue the leather pieces onto the prepared cardboard parts, placing them in the middle. Cut the corners at a 45 degree angle. Apply glue to the wrong side of the cardboard and fold back the allowances. Smooth the skin thoroughly.

From a piece of leather of a contrasting color, cut a strip 0.5 cm wide and 8-10 cm long. Glue square beads of the main color to it, placing them at regular intervals. Cut out 10 more small stripes. With their help, connect the leather squares and rectangles, attach them 2 pieces to the seamy side of the beads.

Cut 10 more strips 2-3 mm wide and 2 cm long each. Fold them in half and glue 2 pieces to the top of the leather squares. Pass the cord through the resulting loops.

Leather earrings

To make earrings with your own hands, you will need:

- pieces of leather in two contrasting colors;

- 4 large beads to match one of the skin tones;

- 2 connecting elements and ear wires;

- cardboard and glue "Moment".

On a piece of cardboard, draw 2 equal figures that resemble the wings of a butterfly or a flower. Cut out the details along the contours and attach them to the pieces of leather, circle and cut out. These will be the backs of the earrings.

Cut the pieces of leather into strips 1, 5 cm wide. Roll them into tight filaments and fix the edges with glue.

Glue large beads to the cardboard blanks, and then start laying out leather flagella around them, alternating shades as you wish. Glue the prepared leather parts to the seamy side of the earrings. Insert one connecting element into the upper part of the blanks and attach the hooks.
