Having your own telescope can bring a lot of joy to you and your children. Making the simplest telescope is not at all difficult, for this you need the simplest materials and tools, a little free time and, of course, desire.

It is necessary
Two eyeglass lenses of 0.5 diopters each, a small lens for an eyepiece with a focal length of 3-4 cm, thick Whatman paper or thin cardboard, black ink, glue
Step 1
Fold the spectacle lenses together - so that you get one biconvex lens, and fasten it, wrapping it around the perimeter with a strip of electrical tape 0.5 cm wide. Cut a strip of Whatman paper five centimeters wide and about fifty in length, paint it with black ink. Wrap it around the lens, making a frame for the lens, secure the end of the Whatman strip with glue.
Step 2
Fix the lens in the frame with two paper rings one centimeter wide, paint them black too. In front of the lens, glue the diaphragm in the form of a cardboard circle with a hole in the middle with a diameter of three centimeters. Before pasting, paint the diaphragm with black ink. You have made the lens of the future telescope.
Step 3
Glue the telescope tube from a thick piece of Whatman paper eighty centimeters wide. The diameter of the tube should be such that the lens fits snugly into it. Paint the part of the Whatman paper that will become the inner surface of the telescope tube with black ink. Glue the lens into the finished tube with the diaphragm outward.
Step 4
Glue the short focus lens for the eyepiece into a tube made of black ink-painted Whatman paper. The length of the tube should be within twenty centimeters. Glue a liner tube twenty centimeters long from whatman paper, paint it inside with ink. The diameter of the tube must be such that it fits snugly into the telescope tube.
Step 5
In the center of the insert and into one of its ends, glue circles of thick cardboard with holes in the center. The diameter of the holes should be such that the eyepiece tube is tightly inserted and moved with little effort (but does not fall out). Also paint the cardboard mugs with black ink.
Step 6
Insert the eyepiece insert into the telescope tube. Its specific position is determined empirically - it should be positioned so that the eyepiece tube when using the telescope does not extend too far and does not enter too deep. After making the first astronomical observations, finally secure the insert with glue in the desired position.
Step 7
For the convenience of using the telescope, you will need a tripod. It will be based on any tripod - for example, from a theodolite. A photographic tripod will also work. Fix the pipe so that it moves smoothly vertically and horizontally. Think over the design of the mount yourself, it depends on the materials at your disposal.
Step 8
The magnification that your telescope will give is equal to the ratio of the focal length of the objective to the focal length of the eyepiece. Two 0.5 diopter lenses give a focal length of one meter. If the focal length of the eyepiece is 4 centimeters, the telescope will magnify 25 times. This is quite enough to observe the Moon, the moons of Jupiter, the Pleiades, the Andromeda nebula and many other interesting objects of the night sky.