How To Knead Clay

How To Knead Clay
How To Knead Clay

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Clay products are very original and beautiful. You can do them yourself. You just need to very carefully follow all instructions for working with this material. It is especially important to properly knead the clay to start sculpting.

How to knead clay
How to knead clay

It is necessary

  • -dry clay;
  • -water;
  • - a container for mixing;
  • -board.


Step 1

Before starting work on kneading the source material, carefully prepare: determine the place where you will knead, and then sculpt, put on an apron. The surface you will be working on must be flat and solid. Ideally, it will be located 5 centimeters below your lower back at the moment when you sit at the table. Experts advise: knead the clay on a specially selected board. This way you will avoid unnecessary dirt and additional cleaning of the table before starting sculpting.

Step 2

To knead the clay, take the required amount of starting material in powder form. Then the principle of the test is included. You can achieve a pliable and plastic material at the end of the batch by first sifting dry clay through a special sieve. Transfer this mixture to a mixing container and start adding water. It is best to take a warm one - it will be more pleasant and comfortable for your hands.

Step 3

Knead the whole mass in the same way as a regular pie dough. Once it has a uniform texture, feel it to the touch. In the case when the clay turns out to be too oily and sticky (which, accordingly, makes any modeling impossible), add a little sand to it. Stir and evaluate again. If it no longer sticks, then the consistency is perfect. If the mass is dry, add any fatty additive to it. It can be a crushed shell together with a snail.

Step 4

You can knead the clay in another way. Take part of the dry material you need - about 2/3 - and fill it with water. The liquid needs so much that it completely covers the dry clay and is gradually absorbed into it. This mix takes time to mature a little. Then add the remaining dry material and knead the clay dough with a consistency that looks like plasticine.

Step 5

It remains only to beat off the dough. This can be done by vigorously throwing the clay rolled into a ball onto the board, beating it with a mallet, or simply kneading it on the board. After the mass is prepared, you can start sculpting. If you do not want to immediately engage in the manufacture of various products, set the dough aside, having previously wrapped it in a damp cloth and wrapped in a tight plastic bag. It is best to store this piece in a cool place.
