Virgo and Scorpio belong to different elements, but despite this, very often such couples find a common language. Virgo is an earth sign that carries stability. Such people are fundamental, they know how to analyze and achieve their goals. The element of water gives Scorpios coldness, but at the same time sensuality in a relationship with a partner. They know how to adequately perceive any situation. Such people have a core, but outwardly they often seem changeable and fickle.

Scorpio man and Virgo woman: compatibility in love and marriage
The strongest union is formed precisely in such pairs. The tenderness of the Virgo girl lures the cold Scorpio guy and softens him. The couple complements each other, and in life both will be able to reach heights precisely because of this.
To maintain relationships, men are encouraged to sometimes enter the position of modest Virgins. A woman, on the other hand, will have to condescend to the harsh and cold soul mate.
A man in such a union can be sure that family well-being will be preserved by his soul mate, in return he will need support in all endeavors. Virgo is also lucky, because you can rely on a Scorpio man without fear. He will gladly take responsibility.
Virgo guy and Scorpio girl: compatibility in love and marriage
It is more difficult for such a couple to maintain a relationship for life, because the Scorpio girl is forced to pull on herself more than her significant other. But if both agree to this state of affairs, this will lead to a strong marriage and mutual understanding.
In such couples, the Scorpio woman usually becomes the main earner of money for the family. The secret of a long relationship is that the Virgo man give his wife enough freedom and time to rest and relax, not only together, but also with her friends.
Young Virgo people need to know that Scorpios are very impressionable, but do not express their feelings explicitly. Therefore, if a girl asks to give her the opportunity to calm down, but at the same time looks quite harmonious, then she does not play, but speaks the absolute truth - it is better to listen to her request on time.
The Scorpio girl should also take into account that their companion, the Virgo of life, usually from a young age has a clear goal of life, to which he strives, he is able to achieve success. But in no case should he interfere with this or try to convince him of something.