How To Track A Hare

How To Track A Hare
How To Track A Hare

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One of the most attractive hunting objects in the Russian forest is the hare. It is quite common, it has a soft fluffy skin and tasty meat. The hare can be hunted with the help of hounds or with powder (tracking). If you decide to go hunting without a dog, you need to know a few rules for tracking a hare.

How to track a hare
How to track a hare

It is necessary

  • - attentiveness;
  • - binoculars or sight;
  • - the ability to read tracks.


Step 1

Choose the right weather, it is better to choose a warm day, since in frosty weather this cautious animal will not let you close. Keep in mind that the best time to track a hare is early morning the day after a snowfall, because at night it most likely went out to feed and left many tracks. If the snow has stopped before dawn, postpone the hunt, as tracks will be much more difficult to find. Strong winds carrying snow and covering tracks can also make hunting very difficult.

Step 2

Find a suitable location based on local circumstances. Please note that at the beginning of winter, hares keep near fields where various vegetables were grown or next to winter fields. By the middle of winter, look for them in the forest, on hills where the wind blows off snow, or near housing. Remember that the hare never lies down in an open field, but chooses a secluded place behind a hillock, snow drift or in a ravine, with its nose in the wind.

Step 3

Finally, you came across the tracks of a hare, in this case, determine in which direction it was moving. Try not to get confused, because when moving, he puts out his hind legs first, so the trail can be confusing. Once you have determined the direction of movement, take the gun at the ready and follow the trail. Do not forget to look around the area from time to time with binoculars or a scope, perhaps the animal is not far away.

Step 4

Perhaps you will come across a hare fattening place on the way, which is easy to recognize by its numerous tracks, in which case go around it and find the exit tracks. The exit trail is usually energetic, direct, follow these trails without trampling them.

Step 5

Sooner or later, the traces will lead you either to the next fattening place, or to the hare's den, you will learn about this by the numerous loops and deuces. Having met a loop, go around it, and if you meet a deuce, carefully look around. If you could not see the hare, go around this place in circles, each time narrowing the diameter of the circle.
