Who Is The Tooth Fairy

Who Is The Tooth Fairy
Who Is The Tooth Fairy

The tooth fairy is the guardian of bright childhood memories. There is a belief that if a child, falling asleep, puts his fallen milk tooth under the pillow, then that night a little fairy will fly in and take it, and in exchange for the tooth she will leave a coin.

Who is the Tooth Fairy
Who is the Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy is a fairy-tale character - the guardian of bright childhood memories. As the legend says, the Tooth Fairy gives the child a coin or a small present in exchange for a milk tooth that has fallen out of him (it is in the teeth that the brightest memories are stored), which the child puts under the pillow. Changing a tooth for a coin is not difficult for a fairy, since it is invisible to humans.


Usually, a child who has lost a milk tooth puts it under the pillow before going to bed. In the morning he finds either a coin or a gift instead of a tooth. As gifts, either souvenir figurines or bright memorable small toys are used.

The second option - the child puts the tooth in a transparent glass of water and puts it on the curbstone near the bed. In the morning, instead of a tooth, a sparkling coin is found. This option has recently become more and more popular, the reason is simple - in this case, it is much easier for parents to replace a tooth by putting money instead of it, and at the same time not waking up the child.

The fabulous legend of the little Tooth Fairy helps young children to more easily endure the pain and discomfort from missing teeth, they develop the habit of brushing their teeth, taking care of them, and also eating less sweets.

There is a belief that teeth can be given to a fairy any day, with the exception of Christmas. If you give a fairy a baby tooth on Christmas, then she will die.
