Why Dream Of A Lost Tooth

Why Dream Of A Lost Tooth
Why Dream Of A Lost Tooth

Teeth are a symbol of a person's health and vitality. Dreams about teeth and tooth loss are widespread. Such dreams speak of a decrease in a person's energy level.

Why dream of a lost tooth
Why dream of a lost tooth

Loss of teeth in sleep - good or bad?

According to dream books, any loss of teeth in a dream is a sign of impending misfortune. However, it should be noted that teeth are a very difficult symbol to interpret. In some cases, their loss can symbolize your transition to a new level of material or spiritual development.

It is very important to listen to your feelings and feelings after waking up. And yet, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the interpretation of dreams about missing teeth depends on many details, namely, which tooth you dreamed about.

Interpretation according to the dream book

If in a dream you saw a missing tooth without blood, then this is a harbinger of emotional turmoil or an impending illness. If the missing tooth is bloody, then such a dream can speak not only of your emotional experiences, but also of the losses and serious illnesses of people close to you.

The upper teeth are a symbol of men, the lower ones are of women. Close relatives are the front teeth. The upper eye tooth in a dream means the father, and the lower eye tooth means the mother. If you dream that you are pulling out your own tooth, you need to be on your guard. In the dream book, this is interpreted as death, which often does not mean physical death, but rather a distress, bereavement and everything that can be called "deathlike."

A dream in which your tooth was knocked out suggests that you should beware of betrayal on the part of a loved one. Also, this dream informs you that you can commit a rash act, because of which you will lose respect from your relatives. You dream that you are holding a lost healthy tooth in your hand - this is interpreted that you can stand up for yourself, be able to fight back, restore your position and cope with a difficult situation.

If in a dream you have lost a rotten or aching tooth, this means your release and deliverance from illness or problems. However, if the tooth did not fall out immediately, but gradually collapsed, pay attention to your health. Perhaps something oppresses you, and you lose your vitality. It may also indicate the state of affairs at work, perhaps you are losing material stability.

It matters how many teeth you have fallen out, if 2 or more - serious troubles cannot be avoided, a whole series of misfortunes and disappointments are expected. You have only rotten teeth and the last healthy tooth fell out - this suggests that you are inattentive to the person next to you and are missing your chance to build a love relationship.