The Tooth Fairy is a fabulous creature that comes to children when their baby teeth fall out. In exchange for a lost tooth, the fairy leaves the baby a small gift. There are several ways a child can summon a tooth fairy.

Step 1
The first way is to put the fallen milk tooth under the pillow before going to bed. Before you turn off the light, you need to call the tooth fairy three times or read some small poem dedicated to her.
According to legend, as soon as the child falls asleep, the tooth fairy will fly in and, entering the room, pull the tooth out from under the pillow. In exchange, the fairy will leave the child a small gift: a handful of sweets, a plush toy, or a few coins.
Step 2
You can also summon the tooth fairy by placing the fallen milk tooth in a glass of water. The glass should be left at night near the baby's bed (on the bedside table, on the table or just on the floor). In no case should you cover the glass or container with a lid, otherwise the tooth fairy will not be able to get a tooth out of it and leave without leaving a gift.
Step 3
Instead of a glass of water, you can also use an empty matchbox, a cleanly washed ashtray, or any other small container where you can put a tooth. Most importantly, do not forget that the window in the children's room must be open, otherwise the fairy will not be able to get into the house and the child will be left without a gift.
Step 4
If the baby's tooth fell out of the baby not at home, but during a walk or outdoor recreation, you can, without postponing the matter indefinitely, immediately carry out the ritual of calling the tooth fairy. To do this, if there are low houses nearby, throw the milk tooth over the roof of the house. If you are in nature, find a tree with a hollow and put a lost tooth in it. Rest assured that the tooth fairy will find the tooth intended for her and will thank the child with a gift the next morning in the same way.