The route will help establish the optimal path for your child from home to school and back. Parents should draw such a route for a child long before school, in order to show and explain in detail the rules for crossing the carriageway in a playful way.

Step 1
On a large piece of drawing paper, it is necessary to depict in detail the entire path from the start to the end point. Depict your house, streets nearby, along which vehicles move. Draw sidewalks along the roads, traffic lights and zebra crossings on the road. To make it easier for the child to navigate, draw shops and trees that are located along the way. Draw public transport stops along the entire route.
Step 2
Try to create a realistic drawing. To do this, you need to color your route. Use a bright yellow for your home. Paint cars on the road and in the courtyards of houses in different colors. Paint the road in languid gray, leaving white markings on the roads. Highlight the sidewalks in yellow. Color in the traffic lights. Write the names of the stores on the stores and color them in the appropriate colors. Also paint the trees and public transport stops. Make the background of the route light green.
Step 3
Make additional figurines of your child and other pedestrians out of thick cardboard. Using such a colorful route of your child's path from home to school and back for the game, you can easily explain the rules of behavior on the road. First, show your child that you only need to move on sidewalks, cross the road at a traffic light at a green signal or on a zebra crossing. Stop before moving the figurine across the road. Follow the route to the end point. Ask your child to repeat the path.
Step 4
Use the figures of other pedestrians to show you how to cross the carriageway correctly, and where to cross the road. Knowing a safe route will help keep your child safe from potential hazards.