How To Give The Gift Of A Witch

How To Give The Gift Of A Witch
How To Give The Gift Of A Witch

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Since ancient times, people have believed in the existence of witches. They were persecuted, brutally destroyed, although often they were innocent women who differed from others in intelligence, beauty, or, conversely, extraordinary ugliness. Healers were often considered witches, to whom they turned for help in the treatment of diseases. Most of them really possessed some kind of magical gift that was passed on from grandmother to granddaughter.

How to give thet of a witch
How to give thet of a witch


Step 1

In the 16th century, the English lawyer William West defined the concept of "witch". He said that ordinary women become witches who succumbed to the promises of the devil and agreed to sell his soul to him. After that, they were endowed with witchcraft powers and learned from evil spirits all kinds of harmful actions. Witches flew on brooms or pitchforks, indulged in revelry all night long and sowed evil everywhere.

Step 2

Russian witches were much less harmful and vicious than Western European ones. As a rule, these were simple village women, who, however, also flew on a broomstick and ran around with devils, but were mainly engaged in love spells and stealing milk from neighboring cows. Milk mixed with dew has traditionally been considered a favorite treat for witches. Perhaps the rather calm attitude towards witches in Russia was explained by the belief prevailing among Russian men that every woman is a witch.

Step 3

In fact, there is no negative connotation in the word "witch". It comes from the word "in charge", i.e. to know something that others do not know and do not notice. Witches can do not only evil, but also good deeds. They collect medicinal herbs, treat diseases, help find missing people.

Step 4

A magical gift is usually passed along a related line, and after one or two generations. A witch can pass it on to her granddaughter or great-granddaughter, but the gift is never passed from mother to daughter. The fact is that a daughter can turn into a rival for her still rather young, vigorous and energetic mother, and a granddaughter or great-granddaughter becomes an heiress after her death.

Step 5

During her lifetime, the witch begins to prepare a successor for herself. She teaches the girl fortune-telling on cards, various rituals and conspiracies, introduces her to the action of medicinal herbs. However, a witch can fully transfer her abilities only after death. It is believed that if the witch does not transfer her magical gift, she will have to endure a long and painful agony. To transfer the gift, she asks the successor to bring her a glass of water, and then touches her hand and immediately dies.

Step 6

There are 3 options for the further fate of the newly minted witch. Either she accepts the gift and continues to develop the acquired strength, or she tries to refuse it, but this leads to serious illness and painful death. The only way to save your soul and body from destruction is to immediately go to the monastery and devote your whole life to prayer and service to God.
