Animals in feng shui play an important role. For example, according to this teaching, there should be four sacred animals in the house corresponding to the cardinal points: east - green dragon, west - white tiger, north - black turtle, south - red phoenix. Residents of eastern countries are trying to get these animals, but in a modern interpretation.

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the pet has its own role: the dragon supports the owner of the house, the tiger protects the mistress. The turtle is a symbol of wisdom and longevity, the phoenix helps to open up new opportunities and perspectives.
In the real world, a green dragon can symbolize a lizard or other reptile. A terrarium with this animal, according to Feng Shui, should be located in the eastern sector of the dwelling.
Few people can afford a white tiger as a pet, but it will be successfully replaced by a cat of the corresponding color.
The turtle is an unpretentious pet. According to the feng shui masters, it is able to protect the owners from trouble. She can be placed in a terrarium in the north of the apartment.
Keeping birds is associated with certain difficulties - they sing and chirp day and night. Not everyone can stand such noisy pets. But nevertheless, a bird living at home is considered a good sign. In the east, there is an opinion that birds on the wings bring wealth.
Feng Shui pays great attention to fish, since they (gold - in particular) are associated with wealth. The optimal number of fish is 9, of which 8 are gold and one is black, it will take away negative energy that enters the house. The water in the aquarium must be clean, only in this case money will be attracted.
When choosing a pet, first of all you need to listen to yourself, to your intuition. You should not have a pet that will not please you, even if it is favorable from a feng shui point of view.