How To Make A Fireball

How To Make A Fireball
How To Make A Fireball

Table of contents:


Fire is an element that is both awe-inspiring and mesmerizing. That is why tricks with fire are the most enchanting and memorable. One of the safest tricks is the fireball, or fireball. You can make it at home.

How to make a fireball
How to make a fireball

It is necessary

  • - natural cotton fabric;
  • - liquid for refueling lighters (99, 9% gasoline) or any other flammable liquid (pure alcohol, etc.);
  • - scissors;
  • - cotton / silk thread;
  • - a needle;
  • - water;
  • - fire extinguisher.


Step 1

Take the fabric and cut a 10x15 centimeter piece out of it. Roll it tightly into a ball. Cut the thread about 1-1.5 meters long and thread it through the needle.

Step 2

Pierce the ball through with a needle and thread and wrap it in a circle. To fix the thread, re-pierce the ball through. Cut off the remaining thread.

Step 3

Take lighter fluid and lightly pour over the ball on all sides. It is very important not to overdo it, as the cotton fabric absorbs liquid quickly. Be very careful: if flammable liquid drips from the surface of the fabric, it can burn your hands. Therefore, just in case, keep water or burns handy to wet your hands if necessary.

Step 4

Ignite the finished fireball. To avoid painful sensation, do not touch the tops of the flame, but in order to extinguish the fire, simply squeeze the ball into a fist.

Step 5

Having mastered the technique of creating a fireball at home, you will make an unforgettable impression on those around you and surprise your loved ones, handling it with extraordinary ease. And in order for your show to be very entertaining and enchanting, you will need to master new tricks with fire.
