What Are The Horoscopes

What Are The Horoscopes
What Are The Horoscopes

What influences the character and temperament of a person, his destiny, family relations, choice of profession? According to astrologers - the position of the stars and planets at the time of his birth. According to these characteristics, various horoscopes are compiled, subdivided into zodiacal, natal, local, karmic and compatibility.

Zodiac horoscope
Zodiac horoscope

Zodiac horoscope

The most famous and popular horoscope is the zodiac. It is based on the division of all people into 12 different signs of the zodiac, depending on their birthday. According to astrologers, stars that line up in a certain way every month have a huge impact on human behavior and psychology. Therefore, on the basis of the zodiacal horoscope, specialists determine general characteristics, such as character and temperament, behavior in love relationships, as well as suitable professions and predisposition to diseases.

This characteristic has only a grain of truth, since the zodiac horoscope is quite generalized, and two people born under the same zodiac sign can be the complete opposite of each other.

Natal horoscope

This horoscope is more accurate than the zodiac, as it takes into account not only the day, but also the place of birth of a person. Otherwise, this horoscope coincides with the first. The natal chart also determines the main aspects in the character of a person and his predisposition.

To draw up a natal horoscope, you need information about the day, exact time and place of birth, as well as the exact coordinates of the settlement.

A natal horoscope can be made not only for a person, but also for any other object, for example, a company, a building, a residential building. He will determine the fate of the building and possible subsequent problems.

Local horoscope

The character and fate of a person, in addition to his birthday, is significantly influenced by his place of residence, therefore another horoscope - local - can be drawn up every time you move to a new place of residence. The local horoscope is auxiliary, additional. When you move, the character of a person and other important characteristics will not change, only the main line of fate will change, which this horoscope reflects.

Karmic horoscope

Karma is the return of certain actions that a person performed in his past lives. A karmic horoscope helps everyone to determine who he was in a past life and what karmic sins he transferred into his present life. With its help, you can learn how to improve karma for future lives.

Compatibility horoscope

There is also a horoscope showing the compatibility of two people with each other, taking into account their character, temperament, sociability, and so on. It is compiled on the basis of the zodiacal or natal horoscope. The compatibility horoscope determines how two people fit together, what difficulties await them in the relationship, how to smooth out the conflicts that arise, what their life together will be like and how long it will last.