Very often human nightmares are violent scenes. A murder seen in a dream may mean that in reality you will face a serious problem.

What a man could dream of a murder
The problem that the murder seen in a dream portends will not only significantly spoil your life, but its consequences can be shameful for you. Such a dream promises sadness from the harm done by others.
You should be wary of the intrigues of enemies who seek to spoil your reputation.
If you committed the murder in a dream, you will be involved in intrigues through your own fault. Don't be overly gullible. In a dream, you yourself have become a victim of murder - your enemies will be able to harm you. However, such a dream has an alternative interpretation. If you were killed in a dream, a quick change in the existing situation awaits in reality. It can be both elevation and collapse. If in a dream you kill in order to protect yourself - in reality you will cope with all the problems, a bright streak will come in your life.
To kill a wild beast in a dream or want to do it - to fast and speedy career growth. To collude with someone to kill a person - in reality you defame your name with a dishonorable act. You can be drawn into a conflict that will have very unfortunate consequences for you. If a sick person dreamed of a murder, a speedy recovery awaits in reality.
Suicide in a dream can be a sign of imminent changes in life.
What psychologists say about the dream in which you see murder
A dream in which you see a murder or a murdered person is a sign of internal struggle and reincarnation. The changes concern your inner perception of your own essence. Such a dream may also speak of intentionally hidden aggression and anger towards others. To kill in a dream - in reality you are trying to break off a bored relationship. Such a dream may indicate a lack of self-confidence, an inability to make an independent decision.
A dream about suicide is interpreted as a desire to solve an internal problem, to get rid of a feeling or behavior pattern that weighs on you. Suicide in a dream speaks of self-perception, self-esteem of one's personality. This is the result of serious thought. In reality, you feel your shortcomings, deviations of your behavior from the norm. The act of suicide in a dream is a sign that you are successfully coping with deficiencies, preventing them from developing into pathology. You struggle with your demons, you feel the conflict between motivation to act and conscience. Sooner or later, this or that in you will win. The consequence of such an internal struggle can be a dream in which you kill a stranger. The stranger symbolizes the part of your personality that gets in the way of your life the most. Such a dream means internal changes.