Dragon Tree

Dragon Tree
Dragon Tree

In the century before last, when botanists began to study the vegetation of the Canary Islands, they saw the inscription "Dragon Tree" under a thick layer of bark of a very unusual and strange tree.

Dragon tree
Dragon tree

The inscription was dated 1402, and already at that time the tree was incredibly old. It was 23 m high, 15 m in circumference and more than 4 m in breadth. Botanists rightfully consider this tree to be the oldest in the world. For its antiquity and too strange and ugly form, it was named Draconian.

From the Dragon tree flows "dragon's blood" - a resin called "gum", which is still collected by people to treat diseases, because gum is an excellent antibiotic and antiseptic at the same time. Dracaena leaves have special biological properties that resemble bristles and horsehair. Thanks to this, brushes are made from the fiber of the leaves.

In the modern world of plants, this tree has become decorative and domestic. Because of the thin, tall trunks and tufts of leathery linear leaves at the crown, they are often called palms. Indeed, they are outwardly similar. Dracaena grow from seeds, cuttings and air vents. The latter process is very exciting for a person to participate in. At the top of an already mature plant, a cut is made under the leaves, and tied with constantly moist moss. When roots appear in this section, this part of the stem is removed from the plant and transferred to the pot. The cut areas must be sprinkled with crushed coal. When several shoots rise from the pot with the transplanted part of the stem, they need to be divided and planted.

Dragon trees at home are comfortable in pots higher, but not very large, with enough drainage. Potted soil is desirable from 6: 2: 1 turf, leaf and sand. Abundant summer watering and poor winter watering are all that a tree needs for healthy roots.

A warm, bright window will become a cozy place for such an ancient plant. Moist and clean air will push the dracaena to bloom. And where the dracaena has flowers, there are berries, after which additional thin and graceful trunks begin to grow.

The oldest and ugliest tree in the world will adorn and delight the eyes of all who envelop it in love and care, never reminding them of what it was in the past.