How To Draw A Fish With A Pencil

How To Draw A Fish With A Pencil
How To Draw A Fish With A Pencil

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When drawing any body of water, be it an aquarium, sea, etc., fill it with fish. They have the most diverse structure and color of the cover, however, some stages of drawing are common for all these aquatic inhabitants.

How to draw a fish with a pencil
How to draw a fish with a pencil

It is necessary

A sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser


Step 1

Prepare the materials you need for the job. Arrange the sheet as you like. If you are drawing only one fish, then it is better to arrange the leaf horizontally. Choose which representative of the aquatic world you will portray, because each fish has its own unique body structure. To do this, you can look at the photos on the Internet. You can also draw a fabulous fish, which nature does not exist.

Step 2

Sketch with a pencil. Start directly with the body of the fish. Each has a different shape: triangular in aquarium fish, round - a hedgehog fish, oval - most fish, or serpentine - murren. Draw the desired geometric shape just below the middle of the sheet. Then mark the head on the body, limiting it from the body with an arched line. If the lines you draw do not triple you in their direction - do not rush to erase the drawing. Use light strokes to lay the path you need and only then edit with an eraser.

Step 3

Add fins. The top usually looks much larger than the bottom fin. In tropical and aquarium fish, these processes are often very bizarre. Draw the fin at the stage of the sketch with a triangle. Mark the tail of the animal in the same way. Next, follow the clarifying drawing.

Step 4

Start drawing from the head. Add guidelines for the eye (if you are drawing the fish from one side). Then draw the mouth (if you are drawing a fabulous version, then the mouth should be drawn well - it can resemble human lips). Then refine the head fin, which is located just beyond the eye. Give it the desired shape, draw strips along its length. Do the same for the other fins, especially the tail. If something confuses you in the drawing, you can refer to the photographs.

Step 5

Move on to shading. Cover all the fish with light strokes. Then, with a piece of paper, you can blend it, but not everywhere. Leave light areas slightly touched. With a sharpened pencil, mark the scales on the body of the fish. After that, hatch the shadow parts of the body and with an eraser you can draw highlights.
