A hand-made drawing can be a lovely gift for loved ones or an elegant interior decoration. Try to depict a fish - fluttering fins and a tail will add dynamics to the drawing. Start with a pencil sketch - with a simple lead, you can depict the finest transitions of color and shadow.

Aquarium fish: variety of possibilities
The most interesting thing is to draw aquarium fish - they differ in a variety of shapes and sizes. Choose an angle depending on the appearance of the fish. For example, it is better to depict a scalar or swordtails in profile - unusual body shapes, a pointed tail or wide fins will make the picture very beautiful. A goldfish or a veil tail can be drawn in a pretty curve - a fluttering tail and lush fins will take skill.
You can draw from life, use a photograph or an image in an atlas. It is not necessary to strictly copy all the breed characteristics - your fish can look the way you want.
How to draw a goldfish in stages
For pencil drawing, you need medium-weight matte paper - for example, special sheets for graphics. Choose quality pencils of different hardness, soft eraser. It is most convenient to draw on a special tablet, attaching the paper to it with a clip.
Sharpen your pencils and keep a sharpener handy. The thinner the lead, the more accurate the drawing will be.
Try to draw a goldfish - even a child can draw it. The easiest way is to draw a fish in profile. With a sharpened hard pencil, outline the contours of the body, placing them in the center of the sheet. Draw an oval - this is the outline of a rounded body. At the top, sketch out the silhouette of the dorsal fin in the form of an elongated triangle. On the right side, mark the tail - a wide angle with a point resting on an oval. Slightly lengthen and sharpen the part of the oval opposite to the tail - it should resemble a short wide beak. In the lower torso, sketch out the outlines of the two pelvic fins.
Draw the sketch with very light strokes and in case of failure, erase the lines with an eraser. Do not rub for too long, otherwise streaks will appear on the paper.
Trace the outlines of the head, clearly delineating two convex, rounded lips. Draw a round eye - it should be close enough to the lips. Outline the head, eye and body of the fish with a soft pencil. Draw a tail with it, depicting stripes on it, resembling an expanded fan. Draw a petal-like fin closer to the tail.
Mark the gills in a wide brace. Smaller braces on the torso will represent the scales. Draw a triangular dorsal fin and then a forked ventral fin closer to the head. Mark stripes on the fins. You can lightly shade the fins and tail - this will give the drawing an airiness. Erase the extra lines - the goldfish image is ready.