Each dream is an echo of your memory or a harbinger of some life events. For example, if a person dreamed of a knife, most likely, trouble awaits him.

What a knife could dream of
When a person sees a knife in a dream, this means that betrayal, treachery and danger await him.
If you dream that you are taking a knife from someone, be careful. It happens that this dreamed dream can mean that in real life you are in danger, and your ill-wishers can set up troubles for you.
If you dreamed that you gave your knife to someone, most likely this also portends danger to you, that is, you will play dangerous games with your enemies. If you threw a knife at someone in a dream, it means discord between friends or acquaintances, which will turn into enmity.
If you still dreamed about it, try to treat everything without unnecessary emotions, otherwise you will make new enemies.
Why do women and men dream of a knife
If a representative of the fair sex had a dream that she accidentally cut her finger with a knife, she should be more careful about expenses, that is, she should try to save more money, otherwise her budget will become very meager.
If you are a woman, and you dreamed that you dropped a knife on the floor or on the ground, perhaps this indicates that your beloved really wants to see you. If in a dream someone hands you a knife, beware of ill-wishers, they just use you for their own purposes. If a woman dreams that she is giving someone a knife, perhaps this means that she will cope with all the troubles.
If you dreamed that you threaten someone with a knife, expect a trick in your career, you can be set up at any moment, so be careful.
If a man dreamed that he cut himself in a dream, this suggests that people close to him are not happy with his character and will try to completely change him or correct him a little. If you had that dream, and your loved ones are really making an effort to try to make you better, do not resist too much, as a conflict situation may arise in the family, the culprit of which will be you.
If a young man dreamed that he dropped a knife, he will face troubles from the material side, and all these troubles will also occur through his negligence.
If you dreamed that you saw how someone stabbed a person in the back with a knife, then expect betrayal, and unexpected for you. If you are threatened with a knife in a dream, you may be subject to a scam.
If you dreamed that you yourself threaten a person with a knife, just moderate your ardor, otherwise quarrels will arise in the family. If a young man dreamed that he cut his finger with a knife, he should beware of a mental wound.