Yaroslav Boyko's Wife: Photo

Yaroslav Boyko's Wife: Photo
Yaroslav Boyko's Wife: Photo

Yaroslav Boyko is married to Ramuna Khodorkayte. The couple are raising two children who were born 4 years apart. The couple successfully survived the crisis period associated with Yaroslav's betrayal.

Yaroslav Boyko's wife: photo
Yaroslav Boyko's wife: photo

Yaroslav Boyko's wife is Ramune Khodorkaite. The famous actor is not ignored by the media. Over the years, they talked about his romances with several actresses, but in most cases it remained rumors.

Personal life of Yaroslav Boyko before marriage

The young man experienced the feeling of first love in the first grade. He was in love with the girl Tanya. Immediately he had a rival, Vadik. Until the third grade, Tanya was the cause of their many fights and quarrels. The situation resolved itself when the girl was transferred to another school. Yaroslav continues to be friends with Vadim to this day.

While studying at the technical school, feelings arose for the girl Olga. They had a real romance. When the future actor was about to join the army, the girl announced that she did not love him. Very quickly she married another.

Boyko had novels with Nastya Busygina, who played one of the brightest roles in the series "Closed School". Their acquaintance took place at the Moscow Art Theater School. After that there was an affair with Olesya Potashinskaya. Due to his appearance, the ability to look after beautifully, the actor has always been in demand among girls.


Acquaintance and development of relations with the future wife

The meeting between Yaroslav Boyko and Ramune Khodorkaite took place in the company of mutual friends. She was a graduate of the Vilnius School of Choreography and the choreography department of GITIS. For a long time, the couple lived in a civil marriage, for both the stamp in the passport was unimportant.

Yaroslav will later explain what prompted them to go to the registry office to get an apartment with a larger area. The registration of the relationship took place in 1998. Ramune was able to win the heart of a young man, make him a responsible family man and father.

In 1999, the couple had a son, Maxim, and in 2003, a daughter, Emilia. She was born on the same day with Oleg Tabakov. He became the girl's godfather.


Difficult period

After the birth of his son, Yaroslav Boyko received an offer to take part in the filming of the film "Suspicion". Screenwriter Elena Rayskaya specially wrote a role for him. On the set, the actor met Evgenia Dobrovolskaya, who very quickly fell in love with a young man. The presence of a wife and a son did not become an obstacle for their meetings.

For a long time, Evgenia did not name the father of her third child. However, due to strong resentment and a sense of revenge, she decided to tell the whole truth about the relationship. Together with the truth, she said that Yaroslav Boyko is a bad actor and person, and the connection between them was only a fleeting romance.

The shocking news led to the separation of Yaroslav from his wife. However, Ramune forgave her husband after a while. After a while, she gave birth to his daughter. The woman was sure that Yaroslav's betrayals had outlived their usefulness, so a second chance should be given to their relationship. Thanks to her wisdom, Ramune tried not to remind her husband of treason, giving him a chance to become a good father for her children.


More about Khodorkay Ramune

After receiving her education, from 1994 to 2006 the girl danced in the modern troupe of the chamber ballet "Moscow". Since 1998 he has been teaching at the Department of Contemporary Choreography and Screenwriting Dance. To this day, he continues to work as a choreographer and stage director of plastic scenes in theaters, cinema and television. He is a senior lecturer at the Department of Social and Cultural Activities at Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Khodorkaite Ramune took part in the productions:

  • Schools of Dramatic Arts;
  • Moscow Art Theater named after A. P. Chekhov;
  • Theater Workshop P. Fomenko;
  • Theater them. Mossovet;
  • Moscow Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkin.

There are several works in foreign theaters. Periodically plays as a guest actress in various performances. In the role of a choreographer, he interacts with renowned theater directors.


Yaroslav Boyko said in an interview that he was glad that his wife was a choreographer, not an actress. In his opinion, one actor will be enough in the family. He noted that it was difficult for his wife to come to terms with the tour and travel of her husband. The wife was able to get used to this only thanks to her wisdom and patience.

Quite good relations in Yaroslav developed with his mother-in-law. He loves to visit her in Lithuania. One of the family traditions is to gather together at her estate to celebrate the New Year.

Yaroslav Boyko and Maria Poroshina: gossip or truth?

For a very long time, the two actors were credited with the novel. Especially when they worked together on the Always Say Always project. The actress denied these rumors. In the fall of 2018, the media reported that Maria Poroshina was expecting a child from Yaroslav. This information was also not confirmed. Yaroslav will say a little later that he has known Masha for 27 years, they studied together at the Moscow Art Theater. The two families are very good friends with each other, and Masha's husband Ilya is a good friend of Boyko.
