Maxim Alexandrovich Suraikin - Russian politician and statesman, communist, chairman of the political party "Communists of Russia". Candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, participant in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation in 2018. According to the results of the elections, he took seventh place with a result of 0.68% of the votes. Only Baburin scored less than him with a result of 0.65% of the votes.

Childhood and adolescence of Maxim Suraykin
Maxim Alexandrovich is a native of Moscow, born on 08.08.78. Parents came to the capital from the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Direct participant in the internal political conflict that arose in the Russian Federation in 1993. During those events, Maxim, who was only 15 years old, together with adults defended the House of Soviets.
He studied at an ordinary Moscow school №204, from which he graduated in 1995. After school he entered the Moscow University of Railways (MIIT), from which he graduated in 2000. After graduation, he worked for 10 years as the head of a computer repair company. At the same time, he taught at the Department of Management of MIIT.
In 2003, he completed his postgraduate studies at Moscow State University and received the degree of candidate of historical sciences. However, 13 years later in 2016, his scientific dissertation was subjected to an examination, during which it was revealed that it was almost completely borrowed from E. S. Postnikov's dissertation.
Before participating in the elections, he reported on his condition:
- 52 million 300 thousand rubles on accounts in various banks;
- 6 million 200 thousand rubles in shares and securities;
- the owner of the companies LLC "Exposervice", LLC "Aronbazis", LLC "1C First", LLC "Rent-Auto-Lux";
- co-owner of the companies Alezar LLC, Master Media LLC, People's Computer Company LLC, Ilmax MediaGroup LLC, M. Technician"; Trade Part Rus LLC, Alezar - First Computer Aid LLC, Group-Kvartal-Stroy LLC;
- total annual income - 1 million 980 thousand rubles.
There are no real estate and no cars.
Political activity
Since 1996, Maxim Suraykin has been an active member of the Communist Party political party, secretary of the Kirovsky District Committee for the city of Moscow, a member of the Moscow City Committee, and a candidate member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. He headed the youth section of the party, was a member of the commission on juvenile affairs, since 2004 - the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Union of Communist Youth of the Russian Federation, chairman of the youth section of the public organization Russian Scientists of Socialist Orientation.
Since 2010 he moved to the organization "Communists of Russia" as chairman. The organization was soon renamed a political party and in 2013 an attempt was made to take part in the mayoral elections in Moscow. Unfortunately, the attempt failed due to the late submission of registration documents to the election commission.
In 2014, he took part in the elections for the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region and managed to take 4th place with a result of 2.15% of the vote. In 2016 he tried to become the governor of the Ulyanovsk region, but ended up only sixth. Then he was given 2.44% of the vote.
In 2017, the Communists of Russia party nominated Suraykin as a candidate for President of the Russian Federation. The program of the Stalinist communists (as the "Communists of Russia" call themselves) was called "Ten Stalinist Strikes on Capitalism" and posted on the official website of the party. This name is a direct analogy with the other ten Stalinist strikes - the largest strategic offensive operations in the Great Patriotic War.
Family and personal life
Maxim Suraikin lives and works in Moscow. No wife or children. Of the relatives, only Suraykina's mother, Larisa Dmitrievna, who lives in Ulyanovsk, remained.
The parents and the older generation of the Suraykin family are convinced communists. Grandfather is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, an honored worker of production. Father is an engineer at a defense enterprise. Mother is a school teacher, later a university teacher.
Maxim Suraykin at present
As of 2018, Maxim Suraykin is an active politician gaining popularity and popularity by participating in various political talk shows, speaking to a wide audience throughout the country.
At various times, he made several statements in the press, which caused a violent reaction from the audience.
So, in 2013, Maxim spoke out in support of the DPRK and called on the Russian government to send submarines with nuclear missiles on board to help in the fight against the imperialists.
In the summer of 2015, during the struggle for the post of governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, he accused Andrei Makarevich of collaborating with the "Kiev fascists".
At one time, he called for the prosecution of Mikhail Gorbachev for the collapse of the USSR, dismiss the "bourgeois government" of Dmitry Medvedev, and impose sanctions against the Coca-Cola company.