How And How Much Does Maxim Vitorgan Earn

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How And How Much Does Maxim Vitorgan Earn
How And How Much Does Maxim Vitorgan Earn

Video: How And How Much Does Maxim Vitorgan Earn

Video: How And How Much Does Maxim Vitorgan Earn
Video: СТУКНУЛО 25! Вот как выглядит единственная дочь Максима Виторгана 2024, December

Maxim Emmanuilovich Vitorgan - Russian theater and film actor, stage director. The son of Emmanuel Vitorgan and Alla Balter, popular film actors known throughout the post-Soviet space, he followed in the footsteps of his parents and achieved serious success in this professional field. To a wide audience, he is more familiar with his roles in such cinematic bestsellers as Radio Day, Election Day and What Men Talk About. Of course, his marriage with the famous socialite Ksenia Sobchak did not go unnoticed. Fans today are very interested in details from the personal life of a popular artist, including information about his financial solvency.

Maxim Vitorgan today is at the peak of his creative career
Maxim Vitorgan today is at the peak of his creative career

Currently, Maxim Vitorgan rightfully belongs to the elite of the domestic theatrical and cinematographic art. He regularly takes part in various rating projects, where he is successfully implemented as an actor and stage director. In 2018, he appeared on the set in the films Runaways, Kilimanjara, Throwers, Alien and Russian Imp. Such creative activity eloquently testifies to the high professional relevance of the artist, which directly affects the level of his income.

short biography

On September 10, 1972, the future idol of millions of fans was born in a metropolitan acting family. A Jew by nationality and Virgo by the sign of the Zodiac, he was well aware from early childhood that he would continue the family dynasty, becoming a play actor. Parents often took their adored son with them to the theater and to the set, so the creative atmosphere was completely natural for him.


During his school years, Maxim did not shine very much with academic achievements, however, the art of reincarnation drew him headlong. Therefore, after receiving a certificate of maturity, the young man, without hesitation, went to GITIS, where, on the course with Irina Sudakova, he comprehended all the wisdom of the chosen profession. Here he was able to become one of the best students in academic performance. According to Vitorgan Jr., he did not miss a single metropolitan premiere of performances and read voraciously, filling the vacuum of knowledge left after school.

In the "dashing nineties", when nothing significant in the country's cinematic life happened for economic reasons, Maxim concentrated all his professional attention on theatrical activities. In 1993, with a diploma in hand, he went to the capital's Youth Theater, where the audience could get acquainted with his talent as a lyceum in the performances "The Execution of the Decembrists" and "The Thunderstorm".

Personal life

The luggage of Maxim Vitorgan's family life today consists of three divorced marriages. He made his debut attempt to organize a family hearth with the young actress Victoria Verberg, with whom he appeared on the same theatrical stage. In this marital union, a daughter, Pauline, and a son, Daniel, were born.


The second time the actor made a trip to the registry office with the marketer Natalia, who was only able to be called his wife for only one year.

In 2013, the country was excited by the news of the marriage of Maxim Vitorgan and Ksenia Sobchak. And the first rumors about the romance that had begun appeared at the very end of 2012, when joint pictures of this couple appeared on the Internet. It is noteworthy that the wedding being prepared for a month was held secretly and, in the opinion of Lyudmila Narusova, was completely "anti-glamorous", which did not correspond to her idea of holding such festive events.

In November 2016, the married couple became the happy parents of Plato's son. For 2 years after this joyful event, Maxim and Ksenia were happy together, learning new aspects of romantic life. The surrounding people noticed a dramatic change in Sobchak, who coped well with the role of a mother. However, at the end of 2018, the wedding ring disappeared from the hand of Vitorgan's wife, the fact of which did not go unnoticed by the press.

The news of the problems in the actor's family quickly spread throughout the country. The journalists quickly found out the reason for this act. It turned out that it was the director K. Bogomolov (former husband of D. Moroz) who became the new boyfriend of the socialite. Soon, Maxim also stopped covering up the fact that had happened, which was reflected in the subsequent negative events that occurred in this married couple.

In early 2019, Vitorgan beat Bogomolov, whom he accidentally met in one of the capital's cafes. Subsequent alienation in the couple's relationship subsequently led to divorce. However, Maxim does not at all look offended and offended as a result of this scandalous story. He lost a half dozen kilograms of excess weight and freshened up very noticeably. The actor associates such dramatic changes with a busy schedule of work, a diet and a strict diet. However, there is a version that the reason for this is a banal dispute with a friend for money. Now Maxim's anthropometry is almost perfect. With a height of 194 cm, its weight is only 95 kg.

Maxim Vitorgan today

The main cinematic project of 2018 for Maxim Vitorgan was the comedy serial comedy "New Man", which premiered on the STS television channel. In a duet with Tatyana Arntgolts, the talented actor played out an anecdotal situation with the bride and groom, on which the former spouse fell like a snowball on the head, whose role went to Vladimir Epifantsev.


And in November 2018, Maxim visited Irina Shikhman's program “And Talk?”, Where he gave an extended interview, telling about his biography, socio-political position and personal life. 2019 began for the popular artist with his film work in F. Farkhshatova's project "Diary of a New Russian", where he appeared to the audience as a minor character.

In order to accurately determine the level of financial solvency of Maxim Vitorgan, it is enough to familiarize yourself with his tax return for the previous year. In it, the actor indicated an amount slightly exceeding 5 million rubles. Naturally, for many citizens of our country, this figure may seem quite acceptable. However, do not forget that, being the husband of Ksenia Sobchak, Maxim constantly felt his financial insolvency. After all, this money cannot be enough for such strange spending of an ex-wife, for example, diapers for Plato's son, inlaid with Swarovski crystals.
