How To Understand What's On You, Or On Your Children, The Evil Eye

How To Understand What's On You, Or On Your Children, The Evil Eye
How To Understand What's On You, Or On Your Children, The Evil Eye

The evil eye destroys the energy shell of a person. Causes deterioration in physical and mental health. Weakens the immune system. To independently determine its presence, you can use the tools at hand.

How to understand what's on you, or on your children, the evil eye
How to understand what's on you, or on your children, the evil eye

The evil eye is a negative emotion directed at a specific person. Throughout life, people repeatedly become sources and objects of the evil eye. They are often smoothed out unconsciously. The most common reason is jealousy.

Illness and blues are signs of the evil eye

The evil eye can manifest itself as a deterioration in well-being and health. Exacerbation of chronic diseases and weakening of the immune system. It has a destructive effect on the energy shell.

To identify the evil eye, observe the person. The smoothed one becomes constrained and clumsy: drops dishes, bumps into corners, stumbles. A person withdraws into himself, gets nervous and irritated over trifles. There is hatred of loved ones, sudden mood swings.

The ring, the egg and the cat will "tell" about the evil eye

There are old methods for determining the evil eye. For example, an egg. Roll a fresh egg three times over the person's face, saying: “Roll the egg, laid by a chicken, stored for a loved one. Open, you didn’t do anything bad to a dear person, beloved (name)”. Crack an egg and pour into a glass. If white threads are visible in it, the evil eye lies on the person.

A wedding ring will help to detect the evil eye. Run it across the cheek. If a white stripe remains on it, there is no evil eye. If the stripe on the cheek is black, someone wished the person evil.

There is a very simple way for those who have a cat in their house. Ask your child to pick her up. Let him pet the cat. Animals are good at feeling negative energy. If the cat behaves restlessly, tries to escape, the child is jinxed.

A believer can reveal the evil eye with the help of church candles. Light three candles. Read the prayer to the Holy Mother of God. Then cross yourself three times. The candles began to smoke heavily or went out - you need to remove the evil eye.

You can use holy water. Wash your face with it before bed. And put a bottle of water at the head of the bed. At night, you will see a dream from which you can find out who and when imposed the evil eye.

It is easy to learn about the evil eye using St. John's wort. Small bunches of the plant should be hung in every room. If the grass in the nursery quickly wilted, the child was jinxed. If in another room - the evil eye on the one who was most in it.

When leaving the house, pin a pin to your or your child's outerwear. If it unfastens or gets lost, you can assume the presence of the evil eye.

For adults with a strong energy, the evil eye is not terrible. It has no effect on them.
