In 2017, Emmanuel Macron became President and Commander-in-Chief of the French Army. Who is he and where is he from? What now constitutes the income of the former banker, Minister of Economy, creator and leader of the party "Forward, Republic!"

The current President of France Emmanuel Macron is quite closed to the public and journalists, which provokes rumors and speculation about his origin, path to politics, and personal life. He married his first teacher, there were no other women in his life and there are not. His decision to take part in the presidential elections came as a surprise to everyone. Who is behind it and promoting it? How much and how does Emmanuel Macron earn now, having lost income from banking?
Emmanuel Macron - who is he and where is he from?
The current President of France comes from a professorial medical family. He was born in a small town in the north of his country called Amiens in December 1977. In the educational piggy bank of Emmanuel is an ordinary French school of the city level, a Parisian lyceum, a university for political studies.

Macron was fundamentally different from his fellow students. He was not interested in entertainment, he did not attend noisy parties. The young man was more attracted by scientific activity. While still a student, he became a co-author of the philosopher Paul Ricoeur. Macron devoted two years to the work, and was rewarded - his name is at the head of labor. Next to the name of a well-known and revered person in the circle of French philosophers.
Nothing is known about the personal life during this period of the life of Emmanuel Macron. Even his former classmates do not give interviews on this topic. There is no information about the alleged and real amorous hobbies of the President of France. The only woman in his life is the first lady of France, Brigitte Tronier.
Banking activities of Emmanuel Macron
The future French president began his professional career as a banker. His achievements in the field of investment investments were very quickly appreciated at the state level, and in 2004 he was appointed inspector of finance under the President of the country, Jacques Chirac.
Macron developed his political career in parallel with his financial one, and both directions were successful. His big plus was that he was as correct as possible, but assertive and adamant in his assessments and decisions.

Few people know that Emmanuel Macron, within the framework of the current state program, according to which graduates of higher educational institutions "work out" for the good of the country, worked for several years as an ordinary financial inspector. Then he was invited to work at the bank by representatives of the richest French dynasty - the Rothschilds. Macron, and anyone else, simply had no right to refuse such an invitation. He did not work out the 10 years he had set for the benefit of the state.
Office of the President of France
Macron first thought about politics as a career in 2006, when he became a member of the French Socialist Party. He joined not only the party, but also the staff of the current president. For some time Emmanuel was a financial advisor and analyst, then he held a ministerial chair. He never spoke of his desire to lead an entire state, but he created his own party. At first it was just a movement called "Forward!"

In mid-May 2017, Macron officially took office as President of France. His reign, several years later, is considered controversial. Already under him, several protest actions began in the country, but he coped with them, satisfying part of the demands of the protesters.
Critics and analysts are inclined to believe that Emmanuel, unfortunately, did not confirm his high qualifications as a professional and experienced economist. The state of the economy in France today leaves much to be desired. But Macron also has supporters who are sure that he is doing an excellent job of his duties against the backdrop of what is happening in the world.
How much and how does Emmanuel Macron earn
Now Macron's budget is replenished only by his president's salary. In terms of rubles, his annual income is slightly more than 12 million. But ordinary French people are more outraged not by his income, but by where he spends his money. The ubiquitous journalists have unearthed information that a fairly impressive part of the monthly income of the President of France goes to the services of a make-up artist. Some publications even provided some evidence, and even doubted that the relationship between Macron and his makeup artist was only business.

Many scandals flare up around his family union with his first teacher. Macron's wife Brigitte Tronier is a quarter of a century older than her husband. In his few interviews on the topic of his personal life, Emmanuel claims that he always loved only this woman, dreamed of marrying her, and immediately did so when a lucky chance was presented.

Macron does not react to discussions and various accusations, including offensive ones, against him and his wife, although he has enough power to silence ill-wishers once and for all. And this position is worthy of respect. Even the President of France has the right to choose his life partner at his own discretion and according to his taste.