A mask is required for the dog's carnival costume. It can be just a dog or a character from a popular fairy tale, like Sharik from the buttermilk company, the hero of the popular French comics Pifa, or one of the Dalmatians. A mask may be needed for role-playing games in kindergarten, and for a home play. It can be made from different materials.

It is necessary
- - a computer with a printer;
- - thick paper;
- - acrylic paints or gouache;
- - varnish;
- - cardboard;
- - PVA glue;
- - fabric of the desired color;
- - thick foam rubber;
- - pieces of paraplen;
- - pattern of a cap-cap;
- - sewing accessories.
Step 1
For role-playing games, you can make a mask out of paper. A mask with slits for the eyes is not very convenient, so it is better to make it in the form of a rim with a dog's face attached to it. Find a suitable picture of a dog's face. Switch it to black and white in Adobe Photoshop so that only the outlines remain, set the desired dimensions and print.
Step 2
Paint the mask in the desired colors with acrylic paints or gouache, dry and cover with varnish. Stick the mask onto the cardboard and cut around the edges. Make a rim from a strip of thick paper. The strip should be slightly longer than the volume of the head, because the edges are most conveniently overlapped. Sew or glue them together. Sew the mask to the rim.
Step 3
You can make a dog mask based on a hat. It consists of several parts - the actual cap, muzzle and ears. Find a hat pattern that is the right size. If you only have a baby cap on hand, scale up the pattern to the size you want. It is better to sew such a hat from a dense, but not very thick fabric of a suitable color. It is better if it is a pattern of a cap consisting of two sides and a middle part. The middle part is a strip, and it can immediately be cut out about 2 times longer than required by the pattern. Sew the hat, overcast the seams and edges, and sew on the ties. Leave the protruding piece of the middle part unworked.
Step 4
For the muzzle, cut out a strip of paraplen. Its length depends on the size of the cap. It will have to run from the crown of the head to the front edge of the cap and protrude 5-6 centimeters forward. Sew the paraplen into the middle of the hat and overwrap it with the remaining piece of fabric strip. Sew the strip along the edge, starting from where it comes out from under the cap to the middle of the protruding short side. Do the same on the other edge. Pull up your nose tightly and tie the ends of the threads.
Step 5
Cut out 2 circles with a diameter of 8-10 cm from the foam rubber. Patch them with a cloth. Sew a needle-forward seam around the edges, gripping the fabric and foam, and gently grip. Sew the foam "cheeks" to the middle of the short cut of the paraplen strip, to its side edge and to the side of the cap.
Step 6
Cut out the top of the muzzle. Print or redraw the picture, cut off the forehead and eyes from it and transfer to the paraplen and fabric. When cutting fabrics, take into account the thickness of the paraplen and the seam allowances. Cut out the details, fold them right sides to each other, aligning all the cuts. Sew and turn right over. Insert the paraplen and close the bottom seam.
Step 7
Sew the top of the muzzle to the cap. Place it upright. Where the front edge of the cap meets the cheeks and nose, sew a new piece to the cap. It is most convenient to grind it with a secret seam in turn from the side of the forehead and the back of the head. If the top does not sit upright immediately, pull it up in the right places with a few stitches.
Step 8
Decorate the face. The bottom of the cheeks can be trimmed with fur and make fur eyebrows and eyelashes. Sew or glue a leather or felt oval in place of the nose. You can make a circle out of a piece of felt or drape, insert a piece of foam rubber there, sew the circle about the edge and pull it off. Sew on the ball for the nose. Cut out 2 white ovals for the eyes and stick them on the desired places on the vertical part of the muzzle. Iris can be made from leather or black felt.
Step 9
Make the ears according to the dog breed. For hanging ears, cut out 4 long rectangles. Round the corners of each on one side. It is more convenient to do this in pairs, folding the rectangles with their front sides. Tie off the ears, turn out and insert pieces of padding polyester of the appropriate shape there. Sew them with a blind seam along the lines of the middle of the hat and the side parts of it and trim them with fur strips.
Step 10
For erect ears, cut out 4 triangles. You can make the outer parts from the same fabric as the hat, and the inner parts from light flannel. Sew the ears, insert the triangular pieces of paraplen into there and close the bottom. You can pin the ears along the bottom edge and bend them slightly so that the front is slightly concave.