What Kind Of Stone Is Charoite

What Kind Of Stone Is Charoite
What Kind Of Stone Is Charoite

Today, you can easily purchase jewelry for the body or interior for every taste and wallet. Products made from natural stone are especially popular. Emeralds, pomegranates, chrysolites and chrysoprase … And among the variety of names, the mysterious name charoite flashes. What kind of stone is charoite? What properties does it have?

What kind of stone is charoite
What kind of stone is charoite

- a mineral of an unusual lilac color interspersed with various shades from lavender to purple. This is due to the fact that the mineral contains manganese impurities. The world's only deposit of this stone is located in Russia, on the Chara River, on the border of the Republic of Sakha and the Irkutsk Region. The name of the stone - charoite comes from the naming of the river. Charoite belongs by its composition to the pyroxene group of the subclass of chain silicates, and by its properties it is a gemstone. Charoite is used to make jewelry: earrings, rings with inserts of this stone, beads, bracelets and other jewelry. Also, various interior decorations are made from charoite: caskets, figurines, vases, clocks, and so on. It is noteworthy that the winners of competitions at film festivals held in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century received prizes made of charoite.

Healing properties of charoite. Charoite is valued not only for its unusual beauty, but also for its healing properties, which are widely used in alternative medicine by lithotherapists and traditional healers. It is believed that charoite helps to cope with such diseases and conditions as hypertension and coronary artery disease, traumatic brain injury, mental illness. Charoite is also used to help with stress, neuralgia of various nature, headaches, malfunctions of the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, and urinary systems. In general, charoite is revered by healers and healers, as a stone that can defeat any disease. Although this statement is highly controversial.

The magical properties of charoite. Charoite is also famous for its magical properties. Charoite is used to make amulets and amulets, which are characterized by their powerful strength. Wearing jewelry made of charoite or with inserts of this mineral helps to improve mood, increase self-confidence, develops a craving for self-development and self-improvement, balances the nervous system, and helps to harmonize family relationships. At the same time, it is not recommended to wear products with charoite for a long time, since in this case the mineral has a depressing effect on the nervous system.

Charoite care. Since charoite is a soft mineral, small and deep scratches are easily formed on the surface of products made from it, so these products need to be periodically polished. To clean the stone at home, it is recommended to use a soft cloth and warm soapy water. Ambrasive products, hard sponges and brushes are prohibited from use, as they can damage the surface of the charoite. It should also be remembered that charoite is quite fragile, therefore, products made from this stone are not recommended to be dropped or otherwise subjected to impacts.
