"Bride and groom" - such a poetic name was given by the people to a beautiful ampelous indoor plant - campanula, an equal-leaved bell. The most common varieties are Alba with white flowers (bride) and Mayi with blue flowers (groom). This is a herbaceous plant with hanging shoots about 20-30 cm long, creating lush garlands of star-shaped flowers during flowering.

The flowering period of the bell is quite long - from June to October. The plant is very light-loving, but direct sunlight is dangerous for it. If the flower pot is located on the south window, you need to take care of shading. From the abundant sun, the soil in the pot will dry out quickly, the leaves will begin to turn yellow and dry, the flowers will wither. In insufficient light, the plant stretches and blooms weakly.
In winter, it is useful to cut the bells short and transplant them into fresh soil. In this case, the plant can continue to bloom in the winter. If you decide to let the flower rest, then the pot must be removed to a cool place (t 12-14˚), reducing watering to a minimum. In late February - early March, it is necessary to cut off old lashes and root young shoots. In this case, the old plant is stimulated for new shoots, and the young plants begin to bloom larger. When the shoots grow 10-12 cm, they need to be pinched to form a lush bush.
Caring for this houseplant is normal. Timely watering is the key to good growth. Water more often in summer, less often in winter. So that the roots of the plant do not rot from an excess of moisture, you need to water the flower when the top layer of earth in the pot dries up a little.
Bells propagate by seeds, cuttings or dividing the bush. The soil mixture should consist of turf, humus and sand. It must be borne in mind that the root system of the plant quickly spreads over the entire space of the pot. It is useful to fertilize a flower from March to August with fertilizers for indoor plants, every 2-3 weeks.
It is best to grow these flowers in hanging planters so that the grassy shoots can hang down. It is not recommended to plant two types of bells in one pot, as the “bride” develops faster and can oust the “groom”. If you still want to plant them side by side, then it is better to put pots in a common planter.