Monstera, The Secrets Of Growing

Monstera, The Secrets Of Growing
Monstera, The Secrets Of Growing

Monstera is a tropical aroid plant native to South America. This vine is well known and has many connoisseurs. It is a popular and extraordinarily showy houseplant. The flower attracts the eye with powerful, beautiful, shiny leaves and is able to decorate any interior of large rooms.

Monstera, the secrets of growing
Monstera, the secrets of growing

Aerial roots

Since monstera is a vine, it has many aerial roots. It is important not to forget that you cannot delete them. In order for the plant to receive more nutrients and moisture, it is necessary to direct the aerial roots to the ground. You can make additional support for the flower, which will also act as a wet trunk, around which the monstera will feel great. To do this, you need to roll up a tube of plastic mesh and place moss or peat in it and constantly keep it moist. So the artificial trunk will not allow the air roots to dry out and will maintain the necessary moisture for the entire plant.


Of course, the monster can be bought at the flower shop. But most often we take this flower from our friends and acquaintances who already have it. The easiest way to propagate this plant is by cuttings. To do this, the stem is divided into parts so that each part has at least two buds. Such a part must be placed horizontally in a container with soil so that one of the buds touches the ground. It is better to press the stalk to the ground with a bracket; you do not need to cover it with soil. In this form, the stalk must be closed with a jar on top to retain moisture. Periodically, the jar needs to be removed to air the planting. When the stalk germinates and the first leaf appears, the monster can be transplanted into a permanent pot.


Since the monstera is a rather large flower, then the pot for it must be appropriate (with a diameter of at least 30 cm). Be sure to put a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. The soil should contain equal amounts of compost soil, sand and peat. Every two years, the monster needs to be transplanted, while increasing the size of the pot. In winter, at low temperatures, you need to water less often, but do not allow the earth to dry out. At elevated temperatures, water is plentiful, but you need to make sure that the soil dries out a little between waterings. It is useful for the monster to spray and wash the leaves with warm water. You can add a little milk to the washing water. This will give the leaves a glossy sheen and prevent dust from accumulating on the leaves. This flower does not like direct sunlight, but it will feel uncomfortable in full shade. If there is insufficient light, the leaves of the plant will be small and the correct cuts will not form. In general, monstera is an unpretentious flower and, with proper care, can grow up to 5 m or more.
