Pigtails made of threads in the style of a hippie or boring are a fashionable and original hair accessory that can be worn indefinitely and amaze the people around you with the informality and non-standardness of your hairstyle. You can weave a multi-colored bore from floss threads on hair of any length - both long and short. There are two of the most common ways to weave borings.

Step 1
Take the colored threads of the floss and cut two threads of equal length, twice the length of the strand of hair that you will be braiding. With a comb, select a fairly thin section of hair, and at the base, tie both threads with an ordinary knot. Tie the knot twice to prevent the threads from slipping off the strand.
Step 2
Holding the hair at the base with your fingers, tighten the knot again and begin wrapping the straightened strand of hair and three strands of hair with the fourth strand. Wrap the strand so that the threads fit snugly together.
Step 3
After you have braided some distance of the braids in one color, take a thread of a different color from the strand and continue to braid the strand, threading the thread of the previous color inside. Change colors until the strands run out and until the strand is completely braided. Tie a knot at the tip of the strand.
Step 4
To remove the braid after a while, carefully unwind the threads and remove the knot, then straighten and comb your hair.
Step 5
There is another way to weave bores, which is more convenient than the first one, since the threads do not slip off the strand of hair during braiding. Secure the thread on the strand of hair with a knot, and then weave a pigtail from the strand, weaving the threads into it.
Step 6
After that, start braiding the pigtail with the free ends of the colored threads. Unlike the first weaving method, here you need to braid the strand in half loops, threading the end of the thread into the previous loop. Pull up the thread each time to tighten the half loop.
Step 7
Repeat the knots as many times as necessary until the braid is the desired length. Decorate the boring with beads and beads.