Postcrossing is a hobby of a huge number of people. If you do postcrossing, you will find friends in different countries, improve your English, and learn more about other cultures.

Why is traveling important? Let's not say that it is interesting and great. What kind of person would refuse an exciting excursion to other countries? Of course not!
However, traveling is not only interesting, but also useful. The benefit of travel is that it makes us versatile individuals capable of supporting any conversation. In addition, we gain invaluable experience of communication with representatives of other cultures and religions. Each country has its own traditions and rules that must be followed.
Each of us can refuse in a situation in which such knowledge would not hurt. For example, at an official meeting, at work, business negotiations. For the outcome of such meetings to be successful, you need to know all the subtleties of other cultures. For example, should you restrain your emotions when communicating with this person, or show them. There is no doubt that not all people have the financial means and time to travel, but do not despair! After all, you can do a wonderful hobby that will introduce you to life and customs in other countries.
Of course, we are talking about postcrossing! This hobby helps people of all walks of life and of all ages to relax after a hard day, forget about problems and get to know the world around them. What it is? The essence of postcrossing is to exchange postcards with residents of different parts of our planet. On the Internet, there is a special site that gives out the addresses of different users in a random order.
In addition, there are a large number of forums where users agree with each other about direct exchanges. What is needed for this? First of all, you need to buy postcards. This is not an easy task, since small towns do not have a wide variety of postcards, but you can always find a set with the sights of your hometown at the post office.
However, many foreigners are interested in receiving postcards with views of new cities, so if you are not a fan of making orders in online stores, feel free to buy a set with your hometown and send postcards to distant lands. Moreover, it is very important to know the tariffs in order to stick the stamps of the required denomination on the envelope. To do this, you need to go to the website of the Russian post office and see the current prices for sending an international scale.
It is important to remember that the main quality of a postcrosser is patience. People wait for weeks for their first postcards from distant cities. However, it is very difficult to describe the thrill that an aspiring postcrosser has at the sight of his first postcard in his mailbox. Postcrossing gives not only new knowledge about the world and culture of other nations, but also friends from all over the world! You can find a pen pal or send each other small gifts. Isn't it great to get something exotic from a distant country? Are you interested? Then run to the post office!