To give a coin a "marketable" appearance, it is necessary to remove dirt from its surface, dust and often oxidation products of the metal. If the coin is really rare or the contamination is significant, it is better to contact a specialist, he will perform ultrasonic cleaning. In all other cases, you can wash the coin at home.

Step 1
First, it is necessary to remove traces of dirt and dust from the coin. To do this, use a brush or regular soft-bristled toothbrush. Rinse the coin under running warm water, use a brush or brush to scrub the dirt. For more effective removal of stubborn stains, use baby soap or PH-neutral shampoo.
Step 2
To cleanse coins from traces of metal oxidation, it is important to understand what metal or alloy the coin is made of. If it contains iron or zinc, clean it as gently as possible. Strong mechanical stress can damage the minting and design of the coin. Use a needle to remove any rust from the coin. Take a very weak solution of hydrochloric acid, about 3-5%, and immerse a coin in it. When the oxide and rust have come off, rinse the coin in warm running water, dry it and rub it with a felt cloth.
Step 3
Use soapy water to clean copper coins. Remember to remove only the green oxide from the copper coin. It is better not to remove the patina, this is a confirmation of its authenticity. Use soap and a soft brush to remove oxide from the coin. Rinse with running water after cleaning. You can keep it in soapy water for several hours. If the coin is significantly oxidized, use a 7% acetic acid solution. Dip a coin into the solution and let sit for an hour. Then rinse with water, dry and wipe.
Step 4
Slight contamination on silver coins is removed with baking soda, it is enough to rub gently. Clean more serious dirt with ammonia. Use a 10% solution, but remember that such a solution is used only if the silver content in the coin is high enough, above 650 samples. If you are unsure of the silver sample, use a more gentle cleaning method - lemon juice. Submerge the coin completely in the juice, flip it periodically until all the oxide has gone. After removing the oxide, rinse in warm water and dry.
Step 5
Wash gold coins in warm soapy water. If time marks are significant, apply a small amount of baby soap to the coin and let it sit for half an hour. Remove with a brush, rinse the coin and dry.