Of course, the flying broom is the kind of transport that is massively used only in the world of Harry Potter and other magical heroes. In these fabulous worlds, brooms can play the role of an ordinary vehicle, carry several people, be used as projectiles in sports games, and even be marked accordingly. In the world of magic, brooms don't even need to be made to fly - they do it, as they say, by default. After all, the broom itself is an object with magical power. How do you make a flying broom in the ordinary world?

Step 1
It is quite obvious that there are not so many ways to achieve this, because in the end the broom will remain the subject of ordinary household utensils, unable to move without your help. However, they are still there.
Step 2
The first is imagination. Obviously, every child and even an adult who adores fairy tales about Harry Potter or other wizards has tremendous power of imagination and creative thinking. That is, taking an ordinary broom, which is stored together with other household utensils, such a person can, with the power of imagination, make it fly up and overcome any obstacles and spaces. This is how the heroes of fairy tales appeared in the modern world who know how to create unimaginable things. Their brooms fly harder than the latest airplanes, and no one can overcome the great possibilities of the imagination.
Step 3
The second way is the engineering capabilities of modern inventors. Obviously, by attaching a propeller, a motor and other devices to the broomstick, it is quite possible to make it take off. But it's best not to give you detailed advice on how exactly this can be done. After all, you can always make a mistake in the calculations, and the consequences will not be particularly pleasant. Therefore, it is best not to experiment and limit yourself to the power of imagination.
Step 4
The next method is for those who are familiar with spells and magic no worse than Harry Potter himself. Speaking aloud a few of these spells, you will make not only the broom fly, but anything. But where exactly you can learn such wisdom, it is better not to know. For spells are a serious matter, and they must be pronounced with feeling and sensibly, and not for the sake of simple amusements.
Step 5
And the last tip: be sure to re-read the fairy tales in which the heroes know how to conjure and make not only fly the broom, but also do more unimaginable things. Then, perhaps, your imagination will be ready not only to teach you how to fly, but also to create a hitherto invisible super broom.