A beginner skateboarding in one season can learn to do about ten new tricks. The main thing is to have patience and not be afraid of falls. You can ride everywhere: ramp, sidewalk, road. You are not limited in this.

Step 1
Put on protection, pay particular attention to your head, because there are many falls ahead of you. Learn a basic trick called kickflip. This element is the basis for the whole technique of skating on the board. To begin with, accelerate well, adopting a standard stance: put your feet shoulder-width apart, place the foot of your leading foot closer to the edge, so it will be much easier to "twist" the board.
Step 2
Perform "click". This is a sharp movement, push, blow, which is performed by the foot of the pushing leg. Pressing is done on the tail of the skateboard. Then try to push off the ground with the board. It turns out a kind of jump on one leg. Push off only with a jogging leg, and extend the leading one.
Step 3
Stretching involves a movement in which the inwardly curved foot of the leading leg goes up and forward. Thus, the board rises in the air. Hang for a split second and bring your knees to your chest. The board should rotate upside down at this time.
Step 4
Keep track of when the skateboard completes its spin. At this time, straighten your legs and try to catch the board with your feet. As soon as you succeed, continue moving, merging with the board. Land gently and softly on the asphalt, first bend your legs a little.
Step 5
The "Ollie" element is the basis of boarding, a very effective trick. A lot of skateboarding starts with acceleration. Pick up speed and click and draw. "Ollie" is the very moment of the flight. And the higher it is, the better you own this element. Learn to feel the board in flight and smoothly land with it. Remember that all the elements and tricks are not given immediately, but through long training, falls and ups. Be patient, and soon all passers-by will look at you with admiration.